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Nls Error Base Language


You can easily navigate in this FAQ to the sections of interest. It is recommended to start with the NLS_LANG Parameter Fundamentals section to get a basic understanding of how the NLS_LANG parameter works. Note: Some content in this FAQ may be nls_lang oracle outdated. We plan to review it and bring it up-to-date soon. Once this is

Alter Session Set Nls_lang

done, this warning will be removed. NLS_LANG Parameter Fundamentals Common NLS_LANG Myths Checking the current NLS_LANG Setting The Priority of NLS Parameters related

Nls_lang Utf8

to NLS_LANG Session Parameters Instance Parameters Database Parameters An example of a wrong NLS_LANG setup How to setup the NLS_LANG Properly for UNIX How to setup the NLS_LANG Properly for Windows and DOS Code Pages Where

Alter Session Set Nls_characterset

to set the NLS_LANG in Windows Determine your Windows ANSI code page The correct NLS_LANG for Windows Command Line Operations List of common NLS_LANG settings used in the Windows Registry: List of common NLS_LANG settings used in the Command Prompt (DOS box) Other Frequently asked questions regarding NLS_LANG What does the LANGUAGE component of the NLS_LANG parameter control? What does the TERRITORY component of the NLS_LANG parameter control? How to see what's really stored ora-12705: cannot access nls data files or invalid environment specified in the database? Where is the Character Conversion Done? Windows SQL*Plus is not showing all my extended characters? I get a question mark or inverted question mark when selecting back just inserted characters? Is iSQL*Plus the only unicode enabled client we support? What about command line tools like SQL*Loader, Import, Export, utilities? What about database links? What about Multiple Homes on Windows? Is there an Oracle Unicode Client on Windows? What is a Character set or Code Page? Why Are There Different Character sets? What is the difference between 7 bit, 8 bit and Unicode Character sets? How to choose the right database character set? NLS_LANG Parameter Fundamentals A locale is a set of information addressing linguistic and cultural requirements that corresponds to a given language and country. Traditionally, the data associated with a locale provides support for formatting and parsing of dates, times, numbers, and currencies, etc. Providing current and correct locale data has historically been the responsibility of each platform owner or vendor, leading to inconsistencies and errors in locale data. Setting the NLS_LANG environment parameter is the simplest way to specify locale behavior for Oracle software. It sets the language and territory used by the client application and the database server. It also indicates the client's character set, which corresponds to the character set

a file, the system will use the file containing error nls character set in oracle 11g messages in U.S. English that comes with the installation set nls_lang in sqlplus software. This file is named error_codes.text and is stored in the >system directory. Follow nls_lang al32utf8 this procedure to define a file containing translated system error messages. 1. Edit the system error messages file named error_codes.tin by translating the http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/products/globalization/nls-lang-099431.html error messages written in U.S. English into another language supported by NLS. Name the translated file error_codes.language.tin and store it in the >system>error directory. 2. Copy the file error_codes.dd to the file error_codes.language.dd. Store the file in the >system>error directory. 3. Issue the create_table command, using the http://stratadoc.stratus.com/vos/15.1.1/r212-00/ch7r212-00g.html error_codes.language.tin file and the error_codes.language.dd file as input. Name the output file error_codes.table and store it in the >system>error directory. 4. Issue the make_message_file command, using the error_codes.table file as input. Name the output file error_codes.language.text and store it in the >system directory. For information about the create_table and make_message_file commands, see the VOS System Administrator's Guide(R012). Figure 7-8 shows two error messages in Italian from an error_codes.italiano.tin file. It also shows the messages in U.S. English, from which the Italian was translated. / =num 1001 =name e$bad_base_addr =text 'Indirizzo di base invalido.' /* Invalid base address. */ =category os_error_codes / =num 1002 =name e$bad_disk =text 'Operazione richiesta no pu\'o essere gestita da qiesto disco. /* Requested operation cannot be performed on this disk. */ =category os_error_codes Figure 7-8. Sample Error Messages in an error_codes.italiano.tin File

system administrator ! Message https://www.csee.umbc.edu/portal/help/oracle8/server.815/a67789/ch1.htm no. TL126 If you press enter to continue, you may get a message alter session like "You must only use English". You find the language is already added in I18N->I18N Customizing->I18N system configuration. Also the language key is already added to the alter session set parameter zcsa/installed_languages. Read more... Product SAP NetWeaver all versions Keywords Current NLS Config, SMLT, selected language, zcsa/installed_languages, Classify , KBA , BC-CTS-LAN , Language Transport About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. Click more to access the full version on SAP ONE Support launchpad (Login required). Search for additional results Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search. Terms of use | Copyright | Trademark | Legal Disclosure | Privacy

Customization Features SQL Support Oracle Server NLS Architecture Oracle's National Language Support (NLS) architecture allows you to store, process, and retrieve data in native languages. It ensures that database utilities and error messages, sort order, date, time, monetary, numeric, and calendar conventions automatically adapt to the native language and locale. Parameter settings determine the behavior of individual conventions. Locale-Independent Operation Oracle's National Language Support architecture is implemented with the use of the Oracle NLS Runtime Library. The NLS Runtime library provides a comprehensive suite of language-independent functions, which allows for proper text and character processing and language convention manipulations. These functions are for a specific language and locale and are governed by a set of locale-specific data identified and loaded at runtime. The following diagram illustrates loading locale-specific data at run time. For example, French and Japanese locale data is loaded. The locale-specific NLS data is stored in a directory specified by the ORA_NLS* environment variable. For each new release, there is a different corresponding ORA_NLS data directory. For Oracle8, release 8.1, the ORA_NLS33 directory is used. For example, on most UNIX platforms, the environment variable ORA_NLS33 should be set to $ORACLE_HOME/ocommon/nls/admin/data. Table 1-1 Location of NLS Data Release Environment Variable 7.2 ORA_NLS 7.3 ORA_NLS32 8.0, 8.1 ORA_NLS33 If your system is running in a mixed Oracle environment, you must ensure that the appropriate ORA_NLS* variable is set and that the corresponding NLS data files for that release are available. A boot file is used to determine the availability of the NLS objects which can be loaded. Oracle supports both system and user boot files. The user boot file gives you the flexibility to tailor what NLS locale objects will be available for the database, thus helping you control memory consumption. Also, new locale-data can be added and some locale-data components can be customized Client/Server Architecture Oracle8i is implemented using a client/server architecture. The language-dependent operations are controlled by a number of parameters and environment variables on both the client and the server. The server and client may run in the same or different loca


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