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An Ant Buildexception Has Occurred Error During Ftp Transfer


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programmers, just like you, helping each other. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up How do I prevent Maven build fail on Ant task failure? up vote 6 down vote favorite 2 I'm using the FTP Ant task with maven-antrun-plugin org.apache.maven.plugins maven-antrun-plugin ftp generate-resources run ... the problem is that my build fails when the folder ${ftp.server.remotedir} doesn't exist. I tried to specify skipFailedTransfers="true" ignoreNoncriticalErrors="true but these don't fix the problem and the build keeps failing. An Ant BuildException has occured: could not change remote directory: 550 /myBadDir: The system cannot find the file specified. Do you know how to instruct my maven build to don't care about this Ant task error / or how to instruct Ant to don't fail in the case of a missing directory? Edit: Peter's solution works. If you a problem like [INFO] Error configuring: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin. Reason: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.tools.ant.util.FileUtils.close(Ljava/io/InputStream;)V Just exclude ant from ant-contrib ant-contrib ant-contrib ${ant-contrib.ver} ant ant java ant ftp maven-2 maven-antrun-plugin share|improve this question edited Jan 31 at 22:57 Tunaki 56.3k1884116 asked Apr 19 '10 at 11:00 mickthompson 2,69783255 I don't know

not included in the Apache Ant distribution. See Library Dependencies for more information. Get the latest version of this library, for the best support in Ant The ftp task attempts to determine what file an ant buildexception has occured unless=cmdsuccess system is in place on the FTP server. Supported server types are Unix, NT, OS2, an ant buildexception has occured exec returned 1 VMS, and OS400. In addition, NT and OS400 servers which have been configured to display the directory in Unix style are also ant-commons-net supported correctly. Otherwise, the system will default to Unix standards. remotedir must be specified in the exact syntax required by the ftp server. If the usual Unix conventions are not supported by the server, separator can http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2666794/how-do-i-prevent-maven-build-fail-on-ant-task-failure be used to set the file separator that should be used instead. See the section on directory based tasks, on how the inclusion/exclusion of files works, and how to write patterns. This task does not currently use the proxy information set by the task, and cannot go through a firewall via socks. Warning: there have been problems reported concerning the ftp get with the newer attribute. Problems might be due to https://ant.apache.org/manual/Tasks/ftp.html format of ls -l differing from what is expected by commons-net, for instance due to specificities of language used by the ftp server in the directory listing. If you encounter such a problem, please send an email including a sample directory listing coming from your ftp server (ls -l on the ftp prompt). If you can connect but not upload or download, try setting the passive attribute to true to use the existing (open) channel, instead of having the server try to set up a new connection. Parameters Attribute Description Required server the address of the remote ftp server. Yes port the port number of the remote ftp server. Defaults to port 21. No userid the login id to use on the ftp server. Yes password the login password to use on the ftp server. Yes account the account to use on the ftp server. since Ant 1.7. No remotedir remote directory on the ftp server see table below for detailed usage No action the ftp action to perform, defaulting to "send". Currently supports "put", "get", "del", "list", "chmod", "mkdir", "rmdir", and "site". No binary selects binary-mode ("yes") or text-mode ("no") transfers. Defaults to "yes" No passive selects passive-mode ("yes") transfers, for better through-firewall connectivity, at the price of performance. Defaults to "no" No verbose displa

» FTP Status and Error Codes FTP Status and Error Codes Last Year GlobalSCAPE 5 CuteFTP for Windows THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE APPLIES TO: EFT Server all versions CuteFTP® all versions DISCUSSION During FTP sessions, servers send and receive various numbered https://kb.globalscape.com/KnowledgebaseArticle10142.aspx codes to/from FTP clients. Some codes represent errors, most others simply communicate the status of the connection. Below are brief explanations for the most common status and error codes. When determining a course of action, review the entire log; some codes are informational only, others indicate that you have entered the wrong information, and others indicate what the information is that you need to provide before an ant continuing. For troubleshooting CuteFTP connection problems, also refer to Troubleshooting CuteFTP Connection Problems. The table below is provided so that you have some idea whether you can solve the issue on your own (e.g., code 331=you need to provide a password) or you need to call your ISP for assistance (e.g., code 426=you are unable to connect to the remote server). These codes are used by most an ant buildexception FTP servers/clients. NOTE: The information below is only offered as a courtesy to assist you in telling your Internet Service Provider what the error is so that they can help solve your issue. For example, if you get a code 426, the transfer was aborted and the connection closed. The solution to this error is to "try logging back in; contact your hosting provider to check if you need to increase your hosting account; try disabling the firewall on your PC to see if that solves the problem. If not, contact your hosting provider or ISP." The list below contains standard FTP codes. Numbers outside this list are proprietary to the Server or Client that you are using. Code Description Discussion 100 Series The requested action was initiated; expect another reply before proceeding with a new command. 110 Restart marker reply. The text is exact and not left to the particular implementation; it must read "MARK yyyy = mmmm" where yyyy is User-process data stream marker, and mmmm server's equivalent marker (note the spaces between markers and "="). 120 Service ready in nn minutes. (Informational) 125 Data Connection already open; transfer starting. (Informational) 150 File status okay; about


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