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Processing Error Array Index Out Of Bounds


Tool DevelopmentEvents and OpportunitiesGeneral Discussion Sub forum : Move this topic Cancel Programming Questions ggrothaus array index out of bounds in Programming Questions • 2 years ago What does it mean for the array index to be out of bounds? PImage img; // the source image int cellsize = 4; // dimensions of each cell in the grid int cols, processing array index out of bounds exception 1 rows; // number of columns and rows in our system void setup() { size(600,600,P3D); array index out of bounds exception 5 processing img = loadImage("flight patterns.jpg"); //load the image cols =width/cellsize; // calculate # of columns rows = height/cellsize; // calculate # of

Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception Java Try Catch

rows } void draw() { background(0); loadPixels(); // Begin loop for columns for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) { //begin loop for rows for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) { int x = i*cellsize + cellsize/2; // x position int y = j*cellsize + cellsize/2; // y position int loc = x + y*width; // pixel array location color c = img.pixels[loc]; // grab the color // Calculate a z position as a function of mouseX and pixel brightness float z = (mouseX/(float)width) *brightness(img.pixels[loc]) - 100.0; // Translate to the location, set fill and stroke, and draw the rect pushMatrix(); translate(x,y,z); fill(c); noStroke(); rectMode(CENTER); rect(0,0,cellsize,cellsize); popMatrix(); } } } 1 Replies(3) jun.jk Re: array index out of bounds 2 years ago It means that loc is ending up as a number greater than the number of pixels in your image. Maybe you mean to be using img.width and img.height? width and height on their own refer to the window size. Leave a comment on jun.jk's reply ggrothaus Re: array index out of bounds 1 years ago Got it, thanks so much! Leave a comment on ggrothaus's reply ginocooper Re: array index out of bounds 1 years ago Well basically, out of bounds means that it is accessing a point or a value that is not well within the right amount of space. You might want to check which numbers are being accessed and see why it is going out of range. You might want to play with the values first and see how it would change the error. I hope you get it together, already. Leave a comment on ginocooper's reply Change topic type Topic Type : Discussions Questions No of days : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Change topic type Cancel Link this topic Provide the permalink of a topic that is related to this topic Permalink Save Close Repl

Tool DevelopmentEvents and OpportunitiesGeneral Discussion Sub forum : Move this topic Cancel Programming Questions jjulien Array Index Out Of Bounds in Programming Questions • 2 years ago Hi, I'm new in Processing and i got a problem i can't find the answer : ArrayIndexOutOfBundsException : 0 The idea of my project is to randomly display points of construction of a font each time you click, anyway i'll put you an image of what i'd like in result and my code : As i said i'm really new so maybe there is error of construction, please tell me ! THANKS ! import geomerative.*; cercle [] touslescercle; RFont font; String textTyped = "TEST"; boolean doSave = false; float a; float b; void setup() { size(1324,350); frame.setResizable(true); smooth(); RG.init(this); font https://forum.processing.org/topic/array-index-out-of-bounds-25-10-2011 = new RFont("FreeSans.ttf", 200, RFont.LEFT); RCommand.setSegmentLength (11); RCommand.setSegmentator(RCommand.UNIFORMLENGTH); touslescercle = new cercle [0]; } void draw() { background(255); translate(20,220); if (textTyped.length() > 0) { RGroup grp; grp = font.toGroup(textTyped); grp = grp.toPolygonGroup(); RPoint[] pnts = grp.getPoints(); // dots fill(0); noStroke(); for (int i = 0; i < pnts.length; i++ ) { touslescercle[i].dessine(); float a https://forum.processing.org/topic/array-index-out-of-bounds = random(pnts[i].x); float b = random(pnts[i].y); } } } class cercle { float diametre,x,y; cercle() { x = a; y = b; diametre = 7; touslescercle = (cercle[]) append (touslescercle, this); } void dessine(){ ellipse(x, y, diametre, diametre); } } void mouseReleased(){ new cercle(); } 1 Replies(2) eerriicc Re: Array Index Out Of Bounds 2 years ago You're initializing the array touslescercle with a size of 0 - which means there's can't be any elements in there. Later, you access the elements in touslescercle depending on the number of RPoints, which is probably bigger than 0. So you're trying to access the first element of an empty array, which results in this Exception. I think you should initialize the array in draw() like this: RPoint[] pnts = grp.getPoints(); touslescercle = new cercle [pnts.length]; Best regards, Eric Leave a comment on eerriicc's reply PhiLho Re: Array Index Out Of Bounds 2 years ago touslescercle = new cercle [0]; A size of zero means the array is empty, any attempt to get something out of it will result in the exception you mention. Moreover, you loop on the length of a (seemingly) unrelated array and access to items on another array. You should loop on touslescercle.length instead, that would avoid to access non-existing entries. Notes: - float a and b in the loop seems unused. -

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