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your tests Running your tests Sharing fixtures Sharing tests Using matchers Testing with mock objects Property-based testing Asynchronous testing Using Selenium Using Scala-js Other goodies Philosophy and design Migrating to 3.0 Using assertions ScalaTest assert error message java makes three assertions available by default in any style trait. You can use: assert for assert error message python general assertions; assertResult to differentiate expected from actual values; assertThrows to ensure a bit of code throws an expected exception. To get moving

Assert List

quickly in ScalaTest, learn and use these three assertions. Later if you prefer you can switch to the more expressive matchers DSL. ScalaTest's assertions are defined in trait Assertions, which is extended by Suite, the supertrait to all

Assert List Contains C#

style traits. Trait Assertions also provides: assume to conditionally cancel a test; fail to fail a test unconditionally; cancel to cancel a test unconditionally; succeed to make a test succeed unconditionally; intercept to ensure a bit of code throws an expected exception and then make assertions about the exception; assertDoesNotCompile to ensure a bit of code does not compile; assertCompiles to ensure a bit of code does compile; assertTypeError to ensure a bit of code does assert list equals junit not compile because of a type (not parse) error; withClue to add more information about a failure. All of these constructs are described below. The assert macro In any Scala program, you can write assertions by invoking assert and passing in a Boolean expression, such as: val left = 2 val right = 1 assert(left == right) If the passed expression is true, assert will return normally. If false, Scala's assert will complete abruptly with an AssertionError. This behavior is provided by the assert method defined in object Predef, whose members are implicitly imported into every Scala source file. This Assertions trait defines another assert method that hides the one in Predef. It behaves the same, except that if false is passed it throws TestFailedException instead of AssertionError. Why? Because unlike AssertionError, TestFailedException carries information about exactly which item in the stack trace represents the line of test code that failed, which can help users more quickly find an offending line of code in a failing test. In addition, ScalaTest's assert provides better error messages than Scala's assert.If you pass the previous Boolean expression, left == right to assert in a ScalaTest test, a failure will be reported that, because assert is implemented as a macro, includes reporting the left and right values. For example, given the same code as above but using ScalaTest assertions: import org.scalatest.Assertions

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and policies of this site About Us Learn more about Stack junit assert list size Overflow the company Business Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us Stack Overflow Questions Jobs python assert list almost equal Documentation Tags Users Badges Ask Question x Dismiss Join the Stack Overflow Community Stack Overflow is a community of 4.7 million programmers, just like you, helping each other. Join them; http://www.scalatest.org/user_guide/using_assertions it only takes a minute: Sign up How to show the error messages caught by assertRaises() in unittest in Python2.7? up vote 30 down vote favorite 11 In order to make sure that the error messages from my module are informative, I would like to see all the error messages caught by assertRaises(). Today I do it for each assertRaises(), http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8672754/how-to-show-the-error-messages-caught-by-assertraises-in-unittest-in-python2-7 but as there are lots of them in the test code it gets very tedious. How can I print the error messages for all the assertRaises()? I have studied the documentation on http://docs.python.org/library/unittest.html without figuring out how to solve it. Can I somehow monkeypatch the assertRaises() method? I prefer not to change all the assertRaises() lines in the test code, as I most often use the test code the standard way. I guess this question is related to Python unittest: how do I test the argument in an Exceptions? This is how I do it today. For example: #!/usr/bin/env python def fail(): raise ValueError('Misspellled errrorr messageee') And the test code: #!/usr/bin/env python import unittest import failure class TestFailureModule(unittest.TestCase): def testFail(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, failure.fail) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() To check the error message, I simply change the error type in the assertRaises() to for example IOError. Then I can see the error message: E ====================================================================== ERROR: testFail (__main__.TestFailureModule) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "test_failure.py", line 8, in testFail self.assertRaises(IOError, failure.fail) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/case.py", line 471, in as

Support Search GitHub This repository Watch 594 Star 5,318 Fork 2,077 junit-team/junit4 Code Issues 137 Pull requests 23 Projects 0 Wiki Pulse Graphs New https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/issues/1030 issue assertTrue()/assertFalse() should include an error message by default #1030 Closed kluever http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.1.5/libdoc/test/unit/rdoc/Test/Unit/Assertions.html opened this Issue Nov 10, 2014 · 13 comments Projects None yet Labels None yet Milestone No milestone Assignees No one assigned 6 participants kluever commented Nov 10, 2014 assertTrue(falseMethod()) gives: junit.framework.AssertionFailedError assertEquals(true, falseMethod()) gives: junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected: but was: Can we add default error messages for assertTrue(boolean)/assertFalse(boolean)? The easiest thing assert list to do is probably just to call assertEquals(true, condition), etc. JUnit member marcphilipp commented Nov 10, 2014 Would such default error messages be helpful? You'd have to look at the test code to figure out what went wrong anyway, wouldn't you? BTW Please use org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert. kluever commented Nov 11, 2014 Let's say I write this test: User user = assert error message ...; assertTrue(user.isHappy()); assertFalse(user.isSad()); The test fails with an AssertionError with no message. There's no way to tell without inspecting the code and inspecting line numbers which assertion failed. Why is more data a bad thing? JUnit member marcphilipp commented Nov 11, 2014 More data is not a bad thing. In this case, I can only see a tiny bit of more data, though. While I'm not against this feature request, I think there a better ways to formulate assertions nowadays, e.g. Hamcrest or Truth. Nevertheless, I think if someone would submit a pull request for this issue, we would probably merge it... ;-) @junit-team/junit-committers Any objections? kluever commented Nov 11, 2014 I certainly don't disagree with that :-) https://github.com/google/truth/commits?author=kluever But we've had some folks at Google who were reluctant to use assertTrue/assertFalse because of this. But sure, I'll send a pull request for this. JUnit member marcphilipp commented Nov 11, 2014 😄 kluever added a commit to kluever/junit that referenced this issue Nov 11, 2014 kluever Make assert{True,False} use assertEquals() … See junit-team#1030

#assert_raise #assert_raise_with_message #assert_respond_to #assert_send #assert_throw Included Modules MiniTest::Assertions Class/Module Index Quicksearch MiniTest Test Test::Unit Test::Unit::Assertions Test::Unit::AutoRunner Test::Unit::Runner No matching classes. Test::Unit::Assertions Public Instance Methods assert(test, [failure_message]) click to toggle source Tests if test is true. msg may be a String or a Proc. If msg is a String, it will be used as the failure message. Otherwise, the result of calling msg will be used as the message if the assertion fails. If no msg is given, a default message will be used. assert(false, "This was expected to be true") # File test/unit/assertions.rb, line 27 def assert(test, *msgs) case msg = msgs.first when String, Proc when nil msgs.shift else bt = caller.reject { |s| s.start_with?(MINI_DIR) } raise ArgumentError, "assertion message must be String or Proc, but #{msg.class} was given.", bt end unless msgs.empty? super end assert_block( failure_message = nil ) click to toggle source Tests the result of the given block. If the block does not return true, the assertion will fail. The optional failure_message argument is the same as in #assert. assert_block do [1, 2, 3].any? { |num| num < 1 } end # File test/unit/assertions.rb, line 49 def assert_block(*msgs) assert yield, *msgs end assert_equal( expected, actual, failure_message = nil ) click to toggle source Tests if expected is equal to actual. An optional failure message may be provided as the final argument. # File test/unit/assertions.rb, line 207 def assert_equal(exp, act, msg = nil) msg = message(msg) { exp_str = mu_pp(exp) act_str = mu_pp(act) exp_comment = '' act_comment = '' if exp_str == act_str if (exp.is_a?(String) && act.is_a?(String)) || (exp.is_a?(Regexp) && act.is_a?(Regexp)) exp_comment = " (#{exp.encoding})" act_comment = " (#{act.encoding})" elsif exp.is_a?(Float) && act.is_a?(Float) exp_str = "%\#.#{Float::DIG+2}g" % exp act_str = "%\#.#{Float::DIG+2}g" % act elsif exp.is_a?(Time) && act.is_a?(Time) if exp.subsec * 1000_000_000 == exp.nsec exp_comment = " (#{exp.nsec}[ns])" else exp_comment = " (subsec=#{exp.su


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