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Grammar Error Symbols


in Writing The Order of a Sentence The Paragraph Coherence Add missing ideas or change the order of ideas. copied This material is marking symbols for writing copied from the source. Summarizing and Paraphrasing Successfully Successful and Unsuccessful correction symbols list Examples of Paraphrasing What is Plagiarism? Avoiding Plagiarism Rewrite in your own words. quot Quotation Summarizing error correction symbols and Paraphrasing Successfully Quotations When should I quote? Setting up and following up a quotation How much should I quote? Quotation and other punctuation Quotations within quotations?

Writing Correction Symbols Elementary

When do I use those three dots (...)? Modifying words in a quotation Add or change an author’s name, source title, signal verb/phrase, or the quoted passage. unclear Your meaning is unclear. Sentence Clarity Rewrite using different words. vague Insufficient details Developing a Thesis What is a paragraph? Add more details. cl Clause Using transpose elements Clauses as Nouns, Adjectives, and Adverbs Adjective Clauses Adverb Clauses Noun Clauses Relative Pronouns Relative Pronouns Change or move a word/words in a dependent clause. cond Conditional The English Conditional The Five Types of Conditional Present Conditional Past Conditional Future Conditional Continuous Conditional Mixed Conditional Were to Change the verb tense and/or a modal verb. conn Connector Conjunctions What is a Conjunction? Conjunctive Adverbs Change a clause connector word or phrase. modal Modal Verb Modal Verb Tutorial Change a modal auxiliary. pass Passive Active / Passive Verb Forms Passive Voice Change the form of a passive or active verb. ss Sentence Structure The Structure of a Sentence Questions Direct & Indirect Questions Negatives Negative Phrases Appositives Using Do, Does, and Did Add or delete a word or words in a main clause. vf Verb Form Gerund or Infinitive Active / Passive Verb Forms Forming and Using Verb Tenses Irregular Verb Dictionary Participial Phrase Gerund Phrase Infinitive Phrase Change the f

use, then by the meaning of the abbreviation or symbol. Finally, I have provided a brief explanation for each term. You should consult a grammar handbook to find out how to correct these problems in your writing if you writing correction code are unsure what you need to do. The Little Brown Handbook is standard in MUW

Printers Correction Signs

composition classes, so hopefully you still have yours. Most of the symbols I use are based on the ones listed in TLBH, though

What Is The Space At The Top Bottom And Sides Of A Document Called

I have added a few abbreviations for common problems students have with their arguments, as opposed to purely grammatical problems. Using this system saves me time when grading your papers and gives me the opportunity to write substantive http://papyr.com/hypertextbooks/grammar/error_chart.htm comments on the content of your argument. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. If I have used an abbreviation not found on this page, I will add it if I think it is common enough. Your other professors may use similar proofreading marks when grading papers, though there are different systems for naming and abbreviating, so don't be surprised if you see some variations. Please note: I had to draw the first http://www2.muw.edu/~kdunk/proof.html three symbols in a drawing program, so they appear significantly bigger than the other symbols, and they won't look this big in your papers. I had to leave them this size so they would be clearly visible in the table. SymbolMeaningExplanation deleteDelete the word(s) or letter(s) indicated with a loop through them. close upThere is an extra space. Delete it. Sometimes I use this when you have spelled a single word incorrectly as two words. indentAn arrow pointing to a line at the beginning of a paragraph means you should indent the first line of your paragraph. In front of a long quoted passage, it means you should indent the entire passage. The vertical line indicates approximately how far you should indent. #add spaceYou need extra space, usually between two words that have been run together. =capitalizeThree lines under a letter or word means it should be capitalized ^insertA caret mark between two words means you should add the word or phrase I've suggested at that point /slashA slash with letters or punctuation marks indicates you should add the character or characters indicated //parallelTwo slanted lines indicates that you have used an unparallel construction for a list or in another situation where the meaning of your sentence would be clearer if the parts were stated in the same manner. ¶paragraphThis symbol indicates you should start a new p

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