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Error Divide By Zero Sql Server


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Sql Server Divide By Zero Exception

doing it. I'd say your query is just fine. Even if you write your query differently using ISNULL or NULLIF at the end it will likely execute the same. –Nenad Zivkovic Oct 28 '13 at 9:34 As has been pointed out by others, the logic in this CASE statement doesn't quite make sense to us. See my comment on my answer for a brief explanation and then choose whether you want your original answer or mine. My answer would be a more usual solution. –Tom Chantler Oct 28 '13 at 9:40 1 Possible duplicate of How to avoid the "divide by zero" error in SQL? –Henrik Staun Poulsen Mar 10 at 21:06 add a comment| 5 Answers 5 active oldest votes up vote 26 down vote accepted A nicer way of doing this is to use NULLIF like this: Percentage = 100 * ClubTotal / NULLIF(AttTotal, 0) share|improve this answer answered Oct 28 '13 at 9:25 Tom Chantler 11.2k42940 2 This will return NULL if AttTotal = 0, while the query in question returns 0. –Nenad Zivkovic Oct 28 '13 at 9:31 3 @NenadZivkovic - Returning NULL for a divide by zero error probably makes more mathematical sense anyway though. –Martin Smith Oct 28 '13 at 9:34 I agree with @Martin Smith. If you have a situation where the ClubTotal is a number and AttTotal is zero, it doesn'

Using NULLIF() To Prevent Divide-By-Zero Errors In SQL By Ben Nadel on October 3, 2007 Tags: SQL Boyan Kostadinov just sent me a cool link to an article that is the final

Mysql Divide By Zero

part in a four part series that discusses the SQL NULL value. I haven't oracle divide by zero read the first three parts yet, but there is a really cool tip in the fourth part on using NULLIF() to divide by zero error encountered excel prevent divide-by-zero errors in a SQL call.The idea here is that, as with any other form of math that I know of, you cannot divide by zero in a SQL call. Therefore, running this code:SELECT( 45 / 0 ) AS value;... results in a SQL error being thrown:Error Executing Database Query. [Macromedia] [SQLServer JDBC Driver] [SQLServer] Divide by zero error encountered.To prevent this sort of error from being thrown, author Hugo Kornelis suggests using a NULLIF() in the divisor of the equation. NULLIF() takes two arguments and returns NULL if the two values are https://www.bennadel.com/blog/984-using-nullif-to-prevent-divide-by-zero-errors-in-sql.htm the same and can be used to turn the divisor from a zero into a NULL which, in turn, will force the entire equation to become NULL. Therefore, running this code:SELECT( 45 / NULLIF( 0, 0 ) ) AS value;[ #qDivision.value# ]... we get the following output:[ ]Here, the NULLIF( 0, 0 ) returns NULL since zero is equal to zero, which gets the SQL statement to return NULL, which gets ColdFusion to show an empty string. This is a seemingly pointless example since both zero values are hard coded, but imagine if this were a user-entered value, or even better yet, a SQL aggregate or other calculated value (such as might be used in a report or data mining exercise).Now, let's say you want to take this one step further and provide a default value for the equation if NULL is encountered (A default value, though not entirely accurate might make your consuming code more compact as it won't have to deal with exception cases). To set a default value, we could use the ISNULL() or COALESCE() functions: