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Error 4029 Comsol

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the 4 inflow nozzles on each side of the basain have a diameter of 0,031 m, compared to the total scale of the basain itself of 25m x 12,5m x 2,1m (l x b x d). Also the spillway (for water outflow) is only 0,004 m high. Especially http://femlab_users.yahoogroups.narkive.com/bSEh2rRK/comsol-users-meshing-high-scale-differences the narrow regions (like inflow nozzles and spillway) have to be meshed fine (we'd like to have 3-4 mesh points over the spillways height.schematic picture: Loading Image...I tryed everything, free meshing with global parameters for subdomain (in triangle and http://wenku.baidu.com/view/1cd93251f7ec4afe04a1df3e.html triangle advancing front), bounday paramerters, and boundary parameters for one side of the pool (2,1m x 25m) trying to mesh the remaining subdomain with swept mesh and also edge meshing (giving exact mesh sizes or numbers for all error 4029 edges). One result was a triangular mesh with all in all 2,5 million elements (9 million DOFs for laminar Navier-Stokes) but nearly in all cases we got a "Error: 4029. Failed to insert point. ... "Do you have any hints how to set meshing parameters for high differences in scale?Kind regards d***@ymail.com 2010-04-29 16:45:17 UTC PermalinkRaw Message Hello,first success. All boundarys are meshed. Used quad meshes. Seems they work better for sharp eged geometries. Due to error 4029 comsol the fact that the nozzles on one side are NOT the opposit on the other pool side (the nozzles have an offset) a sweped mesh will not work for this model.Is there any possibility to mesh all boundarys and let the subdomain meshed in consideration of the already meshed boundaries?Sincerely yoursPost by d***@ymail.comHi there,i've got a model which represents a swimming pool basain. Sadly, the 4 inflow nozzles on each side of the basain have a diameter of 0,031 m, compared to the total scale of the basain itself of 25m x 12,5m x 2,1m (l x b x d). Also the spillway (for water outflow) is only 0,004 m high. Especially the narrow regions (like inflow nozzles and spillway) have to be meshed fine (we'd like to have 3-4 mesh points over the spillways height.schematic picture: http://fstatic1.mtb-news.de/img/photos/3/8/5/3/8/_/large/basain_02.JPGI tryed everything, free meshing with global parameters for subdomain (in triangle and triangle advancing front), bounday paramerters, and boundary parameters for one side of the pool (2,1m x 25m) trying to mesh the remaining subdomain with swept mesh and also edge meshing (giving exact mesh sizes or numbers for all edges). One result was a triangular mesh with all in all 2,5 million elements (9 million DOFs for laminar Navier-Stokes) but nearly in all cases we got a "Error: 4029. Failed to insert point. ... "Do you have any h

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