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Cara Mengatasi Error Loading Operating System Pada Windows Xp


Aplication Home » Aplication Windows » Windows » Memperbaiki Windows Error Loading Operating System dengan Aman dan Cepat Conok 5:03 PM Aplication Windows, Windows Edit Memperbaiki Windows Error Loading Operating System dengan Aman dan Cepat Sebelum kejadian "Windows

Error Loading Operating System Windows 7

Error Loading Operating System", komputer saya normal-normal aja.. pada saat saya menyalakan komputer cara mengatasi operating system not found lagi munculah pesan error "Windows Error Loading Operating System". Setelah saya Restart tetap seperti itu. Memperbaiki Windows Error Loading Operating cara masuk ke bios System dengan Aman dan Cepat Mungkin hampir mirip dengan kasus saya yang sedang anda alami saat ini.. Ada beberapa sebab yang kita harus curigai : Sistem Operasi yang rusak. Hardisk tidak normal karena bad sector. Arus listrik tidak stabil pada saat booting. Cara atau metode pertama untuk memperbaiki Windows Error Loading Operating System yaitu : Restart Windows / Shut down kemudian nyalakan lagi : Untuk beberapa kasus, me restart windows sudah bisa mengatasi masalah ini. Ini bisa terjadi untuk komputer yang terlalu sering dipakai tanpa istirahat. Tipsnya, kurangi pemakain komputer dalam waktu lama tanpa istirahat. Ataupun harus pemakaian lama di anjurkan untuk me-restar setiap 5 jam sekali. Booting ke default / set bios ke default: Jika komputer mengalami error karena bios nya, maka lakukan langkah berikut. Nyalakan komputer masuk ke bios dan set ke default, atau nyalakan komputer, boot komputer set ke default. Untuk kasus saya ini yang terjadi, setelah set ke default, Alhamdulillah komputer saya menyala lagi. Cara atau metode kedua jika cara pertama belum bisa untuk memperbaiki Windows Error Loading Operating System yaitu : Install Ulang WindowsJika memang benar terjadi kerusakan system ( kemungkinan kecil ), maka solusi paling logis adalah dengan menginstall ulang windows. Namun dengan cara inilah, anda mungkin harus merelakan data-data / program anda akan terhapus hanya pada disc C. Delete partisi C anda kemudian create lagi partisi C anda. Ganti Hard diskIni memang memakan biaya, Jika error disebabkan karena hard rusak, atau sudah terlalu banyak bad sector, mungkin dengan menagganti hard disk lalu menginstall ulang bisa jadi solusi. Cobalah melakukan step by step proses diatas, dan semoga komputer anda bisa di pulihkan lagi. Jikapun belum bisa pulih sebaiknya hubungi service komputer yang sudah terbukti. kalau anda menemukan cara yang lebih baik dari ini, silahkan beritahu saya di komentar ... Terima Kasih. Tweet 0 Respon

pada pagi hari kadang memang memunculkan banyak inspirasi. Apalagi disambut dengan lagu favorit dari komputer tersayang :p. Tanpa pikir panjang langsung saja saya menghidupkan komputer dengan mata yang masih setengah mengantuk. Selama menunggu mata saya teralihkan dengan menu "Press Dell to setup". Saya coba iseng menekan tombol Del di keyboard selama beberapa kali. Dan kemudian masuk ke dalam tampilan biru ciri khas dari menu BIOS. Iseng saja saya utak-atik beberapa menu disana.. . hahaha.... Selesai Mengutak-atik perubahan disimpan dan komputer kembali melakukan proses. Dan kira-kira apa yang terjadi. Muncul sebuah peringatan yang jarang saya lihat. Peringatan "Error Loading Operating System". What is that??? ahh.. http://masalaherror.blogspot.com/2015/12/memperbaiki-windows-error-loading-system.html mungkin cuma perlu restart. Setelah restart peringatan tersebut muncul lagi. Mulai Panik @_@". Mencoba berpikir tenang saya coba mencari solusi ke om Google. Dari beberapa artikel, peringatan "Error Loading Operating System" muncul karena kegagalan komputer meload sistem operasi pada hardisk. Ada beberapa solusi untuk mengatasi masalah ini ini, seperti: Instal Ulang Windows. Dengan men-delete partisi pada C dan kemudian membuat partisi C yang baru. Merepair Sistem http://dapatmasalahdapatilmu.blogspot.com/2010/07/error-loading-operating-system.html Operasi dengan masuk ke recovery console Mengembalikan sistem BIOS ke setting default. Solusi 3 dan 4 sudah saya coba. Tetapi peringatan tersebut masih saja muncul. Sempat kepikiran untuk mencoba tips no 1 dan no 2. Ini benar2 jalan terakhir untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Mengingat waktu yang diperlukan untuk instal ulang windows dan menginstal program-program tambahan, solusi no 1 dan 2 saya tunda. Dengan sedikit harapan saya mencoba untuk mengutak-atik BIOS sekali lagi. Setelah setting sana setting sini (hanya berbekal insting) dan yesssss!!.... ternyata peringatan tersebut berhasil saya hilangkan. Windows pun dapat berjalan kembali dengan normal. hahahaha.... bangga rasanya bisa menemukan solusi ini. Penasaran apa yang saya lakukan?? :) yupp.. 1. Masuk ke dalam setup BIOS 2. Pilih menu standar CMOS setup 3. Tekan F3 pada keyborad untuk menjalankan perintah "Detect All HDD" 4. Tekan Esc dan simpan pengaturan Windows pun sudah dapat dijalankan seperti semula. Sebagai catatan, solusi ini dapat dipakai tergantung dari penyebab terjadinya "Error Loading Operating System". Saya harap semoga solusi tambahan ini dapat membantu memecahkan masalah anda. Reaksi: 57 komentar: Anonim13 Agustus 2010 18.03Assalamu"alaikum, perintah "Detect All HDD" nanti terhapus data yang di hardisk apa engga ??Mohn pencerahann

J2ME Pemograman Html TutorialDesain Grafis Tutorial Photoshop New! Tutorial Corel Draw New! KomputansiMicrosoft office Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft Power Point Tips TrikTeknologi Komputer Windows 7 Windows XP http://akademiainformatika.blogspot.com/2012/08/mengatasi-windows-7-yang-tidak-mau.html Kinerja Komputer Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Desain Grafis Sistem Informasi Notepad https://rhiensiagyo.wordpress.com/2013/01/16/mengatasi-error-loading-operating-system/comment-page-1/ Multimedia Tips dan Trik Komputer Tips dan Trik Facebook Dokter LaptopPerawatan Laptop Keamanan Sistem Laptop Masalah dan Solusi Laptop Merawat Hardware Mengganti Hardware Merawat Sistem Laptop Menginstal Sistem Operasi SamarindaSistem Informasi Perhotelan Hiburan Malam(Cafe) Kontrakan Lokasi Tambal Ban Pendidikan Warnet Home Posts operating system RSS Comments RSS Instruction to use Google + Twitter Facebook Sample Page skip to main | skip to sidebar Home » Windows 7 » Mengatasi Windows 7 Yang Tidak Mau Booting "Error: Loading Operating System !" Mengatasi Windows 7 Yang Tidak Mau Booting "Error: Loading Operating System !" 1.Cara terbaik untuk memperbaiki error loading operating maslah Gagal Booting "Error Loading Operating System" adalah dengan bantuan dari Windows 7 Startup Recovery Boot dari Windows 7 DVD dan klik pada "Repair Computer " Atau memasukkan Recovery Disk Startup ke drive dan jalankanStartup Recovery.Klik pilihan Install Now 2.berikutnya dengan pilihan untuk memilih bahasa Anda, Metode Keyboard Input dan Pengaturan Waktu.Pilih pilihan yang sesuai dari pilihan yang tersedia dan klik Next. 3.Mengklik tombol Next.Pilih Command Prompt 4. Anda dapat memilih salah satu dari dua pilihan.Anda bisa memilih mengembalikan sistem anda ke kondisi sebelumnya atau Anda dapat memilih untuk memulihkan masalah sistem anda, saat Anda mengalami masalah "start up". Pilih opsi untuk memulihkan masalah saat memulai dan pilih Sistem Operasi Anda. 5.Mengklik tombol Next akan muncul Layar Command Prompt.Direktori default: \ Windows \ System32 6.Jalankanperintah diskpart dari lokasi ini. Anda akan ditampilkan sejumlah daftar semua volume yang tersedia di Sistem, jenis mereka dan status mereka bersama dengan ukuran mereka. 7.Sekar

hendak booting windows atau melakukan install ulang? Panik, bingung, bertanya-tanya ada masalah apa dengan operating systemnya… Saya pun pernah mengalami hal diatas, ada yang PC milik customer, ada juga PC milik kantor. Tidak perlu panik, stay calm😀 dan berharap keajaiban,hehehhe.. Ada beberapa hal yang menyebabkan munculnya pesan error diatas, yaitu : Sistem Operasi / OS yang memang rusak, lakukan install ulang. Cek harddisk Anda, apakah kabel harddisk longgar atau cacat. Tancapkan dengan benar kabel HDD nya, atau ganti kabel HDD baru bila ternyata kabel cacat. Bila kondisi kabel tidak ada masalah, coba cek CD/DVD Rom nya. Kemungkinan CD/DVD nya rusak, coba cek menggunakan CD/DVD Rom external. Bila CD/DVD tidak ada masalah, cek CD Driver nya. Mungkin CD Drivernya yang rusak. Coba ganti CD Driver yang lain. Bila CD Drive tidak ada masalah, kembali lagi ke point 2. Cek HDD. Pindahkan HDD yang lama ke PC yang masih sehat. Kalau HDD masih error, berarti HDD nya yang bermasalah. Pada kasus ini, saya rekomendasikan customer untuk ganti HDD baru karena PC masih garansi. Tapi kalau HDD di PC yang sehat tadi normal, kemungkinan lain motherboardnya. Yang penting Anda tidak perlu buru-buru untuk menyimpulkan, tetap tenang, coba cek satu persatu. Lepas semua kabel dan pasang kembali, coba bersihkan memory dan slotnya. Lebih baik juga bersihkan isi motherboard dari debu-debu. Karena ini bisa menjadi 1 penyebab. Jika masih error, coba hubungi orang yang lebih paham dengan hardware PC. Langkah-langkah tersebut adalah hasil eksperimen saya sendiri, memang sedikit pusing ketika berhubungan dengan hal teknis seperti ini. Tapi ketika komputer bisa menyala lagi dengan normal, rasanya senang yang tidak bisa diungkapkan dengan kata-kata..hehehehehe…😀 Selamat bereksperimen🙂 Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:Like Loading... Related Categories: IT World | Tags: Error Loading OS, Harddisk, HDD, Operating System | 11 Comments Post navigation &lar


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Bcp Error table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Operating System Error Code The Network Path Was Not Found a li li a href Operating System Error Code Failed To Retrieve Text For This Error Reason a li ul td tr tbody table p here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site About Us Learn more about Stack Overflow the company relatedl Business Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us

bios error operating system not found

Bios Error Operating System Not Found table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Computer Error Operating System Not Found a li li a href No Operating System Found Error a li li a href Error No Operating System Found Windows a li li a href Error No Operating System Found Windows a li ul td tr tbody table p One relatedl games Xbox games PC operating system not found vaio bios games Windows games Windows phone games Entertainment All p h id Computer Error Operating System Not Found p Entertainment Movies TV

bios missing operating system error

Bios Missing Operating System Error table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Missing Operating System Error Message Appears On Black Screen a li li a href Missing Operating System Error Windows a li li a href What To Do If Operating System Not Found a li li a href Missing Operating System Windows a li ul td tr tbody table p Z ICK KGTE AQO O KA U hp-support-head-portlet Actions title Loading HP Customer Support input Z ICK KGTE AQO O KA U hp-contact-secondary-navigation-portlet Actions title Loading HP Customer Support Support Home

080213 operating system error 32

Operating System Error table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Operating System Error Sql Server Backup a li li a href Sql Operating System Error a li li a href Unable To Open The Physical File Operating System Error a li li a href Cannot Open Backup Device Operating System Error a li ul td tr tbody table p log in tour help Tour Start here for a quick overview of the relatedl site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions p h id Operating System Error Sql Server Backup p you

could not be opened. operating system error code 3

Could Not Be Opened Operating System Error Code table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Operating System Error Code a li li a href Operating System Error Code Access Is Denied Sql Server a li ul td tr tbody table p here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have relatedl Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site About cannot bulk load because the file could not be opened operating system error code Us Learn more about Stack Overflow the company

could not be read operating system error code null

Could Not Be Read Operating System Error Code Null table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Operating System Error Code a li li a href Operating System Error Code a li li a href Operating System Error Code Access Is Denied Sql Server a li li a href Bulk Load An Unexpected End Of File Was Encountered In The Data File a li ul td tr tbody table p here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and

could not be opened operating system error code 123

Could Not Be Opened Operating System Error Code table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Operating System Error Code failed To Retrieve Text For This Error Reason a li li a href Operating System Error Code a li li a href Operating System Error Code Failed To Retrieve Text For This Error Reason a li li a href Operating System Error Code Failed To Retrieve Text For This Error Reason a li ul td tr tbody table p here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any

could not be opened operating system error code 53

Could Not Be Opened Operating System Error Code table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Operating System Error Code The System Cannot Find The Path Specified a li li a href Cannot Bulk Load Because The File Operating System Error Code a li li a href Cannot Bulk Load Because The File Does Not Exist a li li a href Cannot Bulk Load Because The File Operating System Error Code a li ul td tr tbody table p here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any

could not be opened. operating system error code 5

Could Not Be Opened Operating System Error Code table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Cannot Bulk Load Because The File Could Not Be Opened Operating System Error Code a li li a href Operating System Error Code Access Is Denied Bulk Insert a li li a href Operating System Error Code a li li a href Operating System Error Code failed To Retrieve Text For This Error Reason a li ul td tr tbody table p SnehadeepOctober While there are various forms of bulk copy this blog specifically deals with copying

computer error message missing operating system

Computer Error Message Missing Operating System table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Computer Says Missing Operating System a li li a href What To Do If Operating System Not Found a li li a href How To Fix Missing Operating System Without Cd a li ul td tr tbody table p games PC games Windows missing operating system error message appears on black screen games Windows phone games Entertainment All Entertainment p h id Computer Says Missing Operating System p Movies TV Music Business Education Business Students educators Developers computer says

computer missing operating system error

Computer Missing Operating System Error table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Computer Says Missing Operating System a li li a href Computer Says Missing Operating System Windows a li li a href Missing Operating System Error Message Appears On Black Screen a li ul td tr tbody table p Z ICK KGTE AQO O KA U hp-support-head-portlet Actions title Loading HP Customer Support input Z ICK KGTE AQO O KA U hp-contact-secondary-navigation-portlet Actions title Loading HP Customer Support Support Home Products Software and Drivers Forums Contact Support Search Select your relatedl

common operating system error messages

Common Operating System Error Messages table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Missing Operating System Error Message Appears On Black Screen a li li a href Error Message No Operating System Found a li li a href Common Operating System Problems And Solutions a li ul td tr tbody table p Windows Windows Tutorials TimePass You are here Home Tiny Tip Common relatedl Windows Errors and How to Fix them Common missing operating system error message Windows Errors and How to Fix them So you came across an error p h id

clsu-00101 operating system error message no such file or directory

Clsu- Operating System Error Message No Such File Or Directory table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Clsu- a li li a href Clsu- Operating System Error Message Read-only File System a li li a href Clsu Clsu Clsu a li li a href Clsu- a li ul td tr tbody table p includes the name of the function and the returned error data The latter varies relatedl by platform but typically is numeric on most platforms p h id Clsu- p it is the value of C errno after the failing

choose an operating system to start error vista

Choose An Operating System To Start Error Vista table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Choose An Operating System To Start Windows a li li a href Choose Operating System At Startup a li li a href Choose Operating System At Startup Windows a li ul td tr tbody table p Smartphones More Software Memory Power Supplies Peripherals Displays Automotive PSUs Android Your question Get the answer Tom's relatedl Hardware Forum Windows Everytime i boot up my computer it asks error loading operating system vista me to choose operating system Everytime i

choose an operating system to start error

Choose An Operating System To Start Error table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Choose An Operating System To Start Windows a li li a href Choose An Operating System To Start Windows a li li a href Menghilangkan Choose An Operating System To Start a li li a href Choose Operating System At Startup Windows a li ul td tr tbody table p Chronicle Investigates Obituaries Staff Blogs Reader Blogs Columnists Opinions Editorials La Voz Espa ol Neighborhoods relatedl Bay Area Bellaire Cy-Fair Fort Bend Heights Katy Kingwood Memorial p h

bulk insert operating system error

Bulk Insert Operating System Error table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Cannot Bulk Load Because The File Operating System Error Code a li li a href Operating System Error Code failed To Retrieve Text For This Error Reason a li li a href Sql Backup Operating System Error Code Access Is Denied a li ul td tr tbody table p SnehadeepOctober While there are various forms of bulk copy this blog specifically deals with copying data from a file into SQL Server It deals about the specific error relatedl ldquo Operating

bulk insert operating system error code 53

Bulk Insert Operating System Error Code table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Msg Cannot Bulk Load a li li a href Cannot Bulk Load Because The File Operating System Error Code a li li a href Cannot Bulk Load Because The File Does Not Exist a li li a href Operating System Error Code Failed To Retrieve Text For This Error Reason a li ul td tr tbody table p everyone Please help me with this problem I am trying to get some experience with the relatedl BULK INSERT of SQL

bulk insert operating system error code 5access is denied

Bulk Insert Operating System Error Code access Is Denied table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Sql Backup Operating System Error Code Access Is Denied a li li a href Cannot Bulk Load Because The File Does Not Exist a li li a href Msg a li li a href Operating System Error Code failed To Retrieve Text For This Error Reason a li ul td tr tbody table p x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Jay MSFT February relatedl PROBLEM DECRIPTION While

bulk insert operating system error code 5error not found

Bulk Insert Operating System Error Code error Not Found table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Cannot Bulk Load Because The File Operating System Error Code a li li a href Cannot Bulk Load Because The File Operating System Error Code a li li a href Sql Backup Operating System Error Code Access Is Denied a li li a href Cannot Bulk Load Because The File Does Not Exist a li ul td tr tbody table p SnehadeepOctober While there are various forms of bulk copy this blog specifically deals with copying

bulk insert operating system error code 53 error not found

Bulk Insert Operating System Error Code Error Not Found table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Cannot Bulk Load Because The File Operating System Error Code a li li a href Cannot Bulk Load Because The File Does Not Exist a li li a href Cannot Bulk Load The File a li li a href Cannot Bulk Load Because The File Could Not Be Opened Operating System Error Code a li ul td tr tbody table p here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions

bulk insert task operating system error code 3

Bulk Insert Task Operating System Error Code table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Cannot Bulk Load Because The File Operating System Error Code a li li a href Operating System Error Code The System Cannot Find The Path Specified Sql a li li a href Cannot Bulk Load Because The File Operating System Error Code a li li a href Operating System Error Code Failed To Retrieve Text For This Error Reason a li ul td tr tbody table p here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed

bulk insert operating system error code

Bulk Insert Operating System Error Code table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Operating System Error Code Access Is Denied Bulk Insert a li li a href Operating System Error Code The System Cannot Find The Path Specified Sql a li li a href Operating System Error Code Access Is Denied Sql Server a li li a href Operating System Error Code a li ul td tr tbody table p SnehadeepOctober While there are various forms of bulk copy this blog specifically deals relatedl with copying data from a file into SQL

bulk insert operating system error code 5

Bulk Insert Operating System Error Code table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Operating System Error Code Access Is Denied Sql Server a li li a href Operating System Error Code failed To Retrieve Text For This Error Reason a li li a href Bulk Insert Administrators Server Role a li ul td tr tbody table p SnehadeepOctober While there are various forms of bulk copy this relatedl blog specifically deals with copying data from a file operating system error code access is denied bulk insert into SQL Server It deals about

bulk insert operating system error code 67

Bulk Insert Operating System Error Code table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Operating System Error Code failed To Retrieve Text For This Error Reason a li li a href Operating System Error Code a li li a href Cannot Bulk Load Because The File Operating System Error Code a li li a href Bulk Load An Unexpected End Of File Was Encountered In The Data File a li ul td tr tbody table p here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might

bulk load operating system error code 5

Bulk Load Operating System Error Code table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Operating System Error Code Access Is Denied Bulk Insert a li li a href Operating System Error Code Access Is Denied Sql Server a li li a href Operating System Error Code access Is Denied Sql Server a li ul td tr tbody table p SnehadeepOctober While there are various forms of bulk copy this blog specifically deals with copying data from relatedl a file into SQL Server It deals about the cannot bulk load because the file operating

bulk insert operating system error code 3

Bulk Insert Operating System Error Code table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Operating System Error Code The System Cannot Find The Path Specified a li li a href Operating System Error Code failed To Retrieve Text For This Error Reason a li li a href Bulk Insert Local File a li ul td tr tbody table p here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings relatedl and policies of this site About Us Learn more about bulk

bulk load operating system error code 5error not found

Bulk Load Operating System Error Code error Not Found table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Operating System Error Code Access Is Denied Sql Server a li li a href Cannot Bulk Load Because The File Does Not Exist a li li a href Sql Backup Operating System Error Code Access Is Denied a li ul td tr tbody table p here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies relatedl of this site About Us Learn

bulk insert operating system error code 3 reason 15105

Bulk Insert Operating System Error Code Reason table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Operating System Error Code failed To Retrieve Text For This Error Reason a li li a href Operating System Error Code Failed To Retrieve Text For This Error Reason a li ul td tr tbody table p here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta relatedl Discuss the workings and policies of this site About operating system error reason Us Learn more about Stack Overflow the company

bulk insert operating system error code 32

Bulk Insert Operating System Error Code table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Operating System Error Code failed To Retrieve Text For This Error Reason a li li a href Operating System Error Code The Network Path Was Not Found a li li a href Operating System Error Code a li ul td tr tbody table p here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta relatedl Discuss the workings and policies of this site About Us cannot bulk load because the

bw operating system call recv failed error no. 10054

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computer says error in system set up

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computer error cannot find operating system windows 7

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computer cannot find operating system error

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