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Error 686 Panelview


is my first post, I have to connect a panelview 300 to a micrologix 1200 but every single time I try I had the error 686 PanelView Offline, I tried

Allen Bradley Panelview 600 Error Codes

almost all possible combinaisons and still the same error. So anyone can help me? allen bradley panelview 300 micro MickeyApril 29th, 2010, 11:03 AMThe golden rule with all PanelView questions is to provide us with the complete catalog number of

Panelview 550 Error Codes

your PV. Also tell us what cable you are using between the PV and the ML1200. wayne012April 29th, 2010, 12:14 PMthe panelview is a 2711-K3A17L1 and the cable I'm using is a 1761-CBL-PM02 MickeyApril 29th, 2010, panelview 300 micro programming 12:44 PMOk. Your PV supports DF1 protocol. Your ML1200' s serial port needs to be configured for DF1 protocol.( this is the default) The cable you have is a null-modem cable. The cable you need should be a straight thru cable AB# 2711-NC21. Or you can put a null-modem adapter on the end of your 1761-CBL-PM02 cable to turn it into a straight thru. Baud rates for your PV and ML1200 allen bradley panelview 300 micro error 31 should match. wayne012April 29th, 2010, 12:53 PMOk. Your PV supports DF1 protocol. Your ML1200' s serial port needs to be configured for DF1 protocol.( this is the default) The cable you have is a null-modem cable. The cable you need should be a straight thru cable AB# 2711-NC21. Or you can put a null-modem adapter on the end of your 1761-CBL-PM02 cable to turn it into a straight thru. Baud rates for your PV and ML1200 should match. If I understand correctly, the problem would come from the cable I use? MickeyApril 29th, 2010, 12:55 PMIf I understand correctly, the problem would come from the cable I use? Yes wayne012May 4th, 2010, 01:59 PMOk, I just recieve the right cable(2711-NC21) and tried to connect my plc to the panelview and nothing happen, still have the same 686 error MickeyMay 4th, 2010, 02:09 PMOk, I just recieve the right cable(2711-NC21) and tried to connect my plc to the panelview and nothing happen, still have the same 686 error Are you able to connect to the PV using RSLinx? Check the channel configuration in both the ML1200 and PV, make sure the baud rate is the same. If you can post your ML1200's .RSS file and your PV's .PVA file. Zip them first

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panel view 300 micro and I get the error 686 panelview offline.Parece be a communication problem https://www.translate.com/spanish/i-have-a-panel-view-300-micro-and-i-get-the-error-686-panelview-offlineparece-be-a-communication-pr/45576928 but I do not even let me enter the main menu by pressing both arrow keys left and right. What I can do ? This is the second panel I mismo.Que occurs someone take a hand Thanks Spanish 1. Tengo un micro 300 panel Vista y obtengo el error 686 panelview offline.Parece ser panelview 300 un problema de comunicación, pero yo no ni siquiera me deja acceder al menú principal pulsando las dos teclas de flecha izquierda y derecha. ¿Qué puedo hacer? Este es el segundo panel de lo mismo.Presenta alguien echar una mano gracias 0 0 Translations by Microsoft® Translator Other Translations Alternate translations provided by panelview 300 micro Translate.com users Have a Better Translation? AddPhoto Post Add a photo of yourself: Community Tips Tips on how to use this translation Have a Helpful Tip or Advice? AddPhoto Post Add a photo of yourself: Community Photos & Videos Related photos and videos from Translate.com users. Post Your Photo or Video Remove This Translation Flag Inappropriate Content ×Close Verify You're Not a Robot Submit ×Close Upload a Community Photo or Video Photo Video Upload a Photo Do you have a photo related to this translation? Share it with our community: Submit a Video Translate.com support video's that have already uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo Please copy and paste the URL of the video from the address bar into the box below to submit a video. Add Media ×Close Flag Inappropriate Content Submit Report Translations by for the following languages. Get the app Developer API Become a Translator Translations Legal Press Contact Us © Emerge Media 2016

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