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Activex Control Registration

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Controls, ActiveX Servers, and Type Libraries? Primary Software: Measurement Studio>>Measurement Studio for Visual Basic 6 Primary Software Version: 2012 Primary Software Fixed Version: N/A Secondary Software: N/A Problem: register activex vista How do I manually register ActiveX controls (.OCX), ActiveX servers (.DLL

Register Activex Exe

and .EXE), andtype libraries (.TLB) on my computer? Solution: ActiveX ControlsActiveX controls are files with a .OCX extension. register activex dll windows 7 64 bit These controls come in 16-bit and 32-bit forms, with 32-bit being the most common. To register an ActiveX control, you should use Regsvr32.exe as follows: Select Start»Run. Type https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/146219 the following in the dialog box that appears:regsvr32 "" where "" is the location of your ActiveX control including the quotes. The image below shows an example of registering mswinsck.ocx, which you will need to replace with the file path and name of the ActiveX Control you want register: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/4F811A9B23F1D46E862566F700615B7A Note: If you have a 16-bit control, you should run Regsvr instead of Regsvr32. If your ActiveX control is registered incorrectly, you must first unregister it and then register it again. Note: If you have a 64-bit Windows, there is a 32-bit version of Regsrv32 and a 64-bit version of Regsrv32. The 64-bit version of Regsrv is in the System32 folder, while the 32-bit version is in the SysWOW64 folder. By default, the 64-bit version of Regsrv will run. For more information, please see this Microsoft Support article about the 64-bit Regsrv. You will get a dialog box prompting you that your control has been unregistered or registered successfully. To unregister a control, use the switch /u. For example: regsvr32 /u "" For more information, please see this Microsoft Support article about registering ActiveX Controls. ActiveX ServersActiveX servers can be in the form of dynamic link libraries (.DLLs) and executables (.EXEs). DLLs are registered like an ActiveX control with regsvr32 as in the previous section. How

DLL or OCX files in Windows 10/8/7 RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and improve system performance The Regsvr32 tool is a command-line utility that http://www.thewindowsclub.com/register-dll-file-windows can be used for registering and un-registering OLE controls like DLL http://our.componentone.com/2012/02/10/registration-of-64-bit-activex-controls/ and ActiveX (OCX) controls in the Windows operating system. If you find that some of your Windows functions are note working properly, you may need to register your dll files. This tutorial will tell you how to register or unregister a DLL file using the built-in Regsvr.exe or freeware register activex Emsa Register DLL Tool. Register dll file To register a dll or ocx file, open a command prompt windows as an administrator, type the following and hit Enter: regsvr32 "path & filename of dll or ocx" Unregister dll file To un-register a dll or ocx file, open a command prompt windows as an administrator, type the following and hit Enter: regsvr32 /u "path activex registration error & filename of dll or ocx" This will register or unregister the dll file. Emsa Register DLL Freeware If you wish, you can also use a third-party freeware to do so easily. There are a few like Emsa Register DLL Tool, Rootreg, Register/Unregister OCX/DLL Utility, etc will let you do the same easily. Emsa Register DLL Tool is a DLL information & registration tool for Windows, which provides extensive information about system files and other binary files, like exe, dll, and ocx files. Using this tool, you may register and unregister ActiveX dll/ocx/exe files, and you may also compare two ActiveX files having identical filenames. It also provides shell menu integration, which lets you register or unregister a DLL file right from the context menu itself. You can get it here. You will be required to request for, and get a free activation code to activate this product - but this just took a few seconds for me. Post ported from WVC, updated & posted here. What are DLL Orphans? Find out! Looking to learn more about other files, processe

Ultimate Other Tools ActiveReports Spread ActiveAnalysis Download Support Forums Licensing Support Plans Contact Support Resources Samples Demos Documentation Blog Videos Webinars Pricing Shopping Cart Sign In Home Community Blogs Registration of 64-bit ActiveX Controls Though the 64-bit controls are installed with our Studio for ActiveX installer, many of our customers have asked us queries on how to manually register our 64-bit ActiveX controls in their 64-bit machines. This blog provides steps which will help you to register these build manually. The most important thing to remember while manually registering these bits is that you need to install both 32bit and 64 versions of control on your 64-bit machines. Also. please note that you need to put the 32-bit version of ActiveX control in the SysWow64 folder and run the regsvr32 (from that folder) to register that version. Put the 64-bit version of in the system32 folder, and run that folders regsvr32 to register. Registering 32-bit ActiveX Control Copy the 32-bit control files in C:\Windows\SysWow64 (ie, all files present in the zip folder of the build). Now run the Command prompt with administrative rights. Go to C:\Windows\SysWow64 folder using the following command : C:\>cd C:\Windows\SysWow64 Type the following command : C:\Windows\SysWow64>regsvr32 Registering 64-bit ActiveX Control Copy the 64-bit control files in C:\Windows\System32 (ie, all files present in the zip folder of the build). Now run the Command prompt with administrative rights. Go to C:\Windows\System32 folder using the following command : C:\>cd C:\Windows\System32 Type the following command : C:\Windows\System32>regsvr32 Registering Using C1RegSvr In case you are not able to register using Regsvr32 then please try registering using C1RegSvr by following steps : 1. Download C1Regsvr from http://prerelease.componentone.com/activex/c1regsvr/ 2. Save the file to any drive say C:\Windows\System32. 3. Now run the Command prompt with administrative rights. 4. Type the following command in the command prompt : c:\Windows\System32>c1regsvr /v Eg : c:\Windows\System32>c1regsvr /v vsflex8.ocx If the above steps fail to register your product, then email it to our Technical Support team (supportone@componentone.com). Posted by: richas on February 10, 2012 Topics: ActiveX Tags 64-bit controlsRegistration Contact For more information, contact Eve Turzillo at press@componentone.com Share This Facebook Twitte


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