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Error Returned From Odbc Function Sqlprepare


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Sqlbindparameter Example

SQLCancelHandle Function SQLCloseCursor Function SQLColAttribute Function SQLColAttributes Function SQLColumnPrivileges Function SQLColumns Function SQLCompleteAsync Function SQLConnect Function SQLCopyDesc Function SQLDataSources Function SQLDescribeCol Function SQLDescribeParam Function SQLDisconnect Function SQLDriverConnect Function SQLDrivers Function SQLEndTran Function SQLError Function SQLExecDirect Function SQLExecute Function SQLExtendedFetch Function SQLFetch Function SQLFetchScroll Function SQLForeignKeys Function SQLFreeConnect Function SQLFreeEnv Function SQLFreeHandle Function SQLFreeStmt Function SQLGetConnectAttr Function SQLGetConnectOption Function SQLGetCursorName Function SQLGetData Function SQLGetDescField Function SQLGetDescRec Function SQLGetDiagField Function SQLGetDiagRec Function SQLGetEnvAttr Function SQLGetFunctions Function SQLGetInfo Function SQLGetStmtAttr Function SQLGetStmtOption Function SQLGetTypeInfo Function SQLMoreResults Function SQLNativeSql Function SQLNumParams Function SQLNumResultCols Function SQLParamData Function SQLParamOptions Function SQLPrepare Function SQLPrimaryKeys Function SQLProcedureColumns Function SQLProcedures Function SQLPutData Function SQLRowCount Function SQLSetConnectAttr Function SQLSetConnectOption Function SQLSetCursorName Function SQLSetDescField Function SQLSetDescRec Function SQLSetEnvAtt

table lists SQLSTATE values that a driver can return for SQLGetDiagRec. The character string value returned for

Odbc Return Code 100

an SQLSTATE consists of a two-character class value followed by sqldriverconnect example a three-character subclass value. A class value of "01" indicates a warning and is accompanied by sqlgetdiagrec a return code of SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO. Class values other than "01," except for the class "IM," indicate an error and are accompanied by a return value https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms715433(v=vs.85).aspx of SQL_ERROR. The class "IM" is specific to warnings and errors that derive from the implementation of ODBC itself. The subclass value "000" in any class indicates that there is no subclass for that SQLSTATE. The assignment of class and subclass values is defined by SQL-92. Note Although successful execution of http://www.jose.it-berater.org/odbc/odbc_error_codes.htm a function is normally indicated by a return value of SQL_SUCCESS, the SQLSTATE 00000 also indicates success. SQLSTATE Error Can be returned from 01000 General warning All ODBC functions except: SQLError SQLGetDiagField SQLGetDiagRec 01001 Cursor operation conflict SQLExecDirect SQLExecute SQLParamData SQLSetPos 01002 Disconnect error SQLDisconnect 01003 NULL value eliminated in set function SQLExecDirect SQLExecute SQLParamData 01004 String data, right-truncated SQLBrowseConnect SQLBulkOperations SQLColAttribute SQLDataSources SQLDescribeCol SQLDriverConnect SQLDrivers SQLExecDirect SQLExecute SQLExtendedFetch SQLFetch SQLFetchScroll SQLGetConnectAttr SQLGetCursorName SQLGetData SQLGetDescField SQLGetDescRec SQLGetEnvAttr SQLGetInfo SQLGetStmtAttr SQLNativeSql SQLParamData SQLPutData SQLSetCursorName 01006 Privilege not revoked SQLExecDirect SQLExecute SQLParamData 01007 Privilege not granted SQLExecDirect SQLExecute SQLParamData 01S00 Invalid connection string attribute SQLBrowseConnect SQLDriverConnect 01S01 Error in row SQLBulkOperations SQLExtendedFetch SQLSetPos 01S02 Option value changed SQLBrowseConnect SQLConnect SQLDriverConnect SQLExecDirect SQLExecute SQLParamData SQLPrepare SQLSetConnectAttr SQLSetDescField SQLSetEnvAttr SQLSetStmtAttr 01S06 Attempt to fetch before the result set returned the first rowset SQLExtendedFetch SQLFetchScroll 01S07 Fractional truncation SQLBulkOperations SQLExecDirect SQLExecute SQLExtendedFetch SQLFetch SQLFetchScroll SQLGetData SQLParam

Status Returns Obtaining Diagnostics Diagnostic Fields Example Diagnostic Messages Appendix A: ODBC Status Return Codes Appendix B: ODBC 2 to ODBC 3 SQLSTATE Mappings IntroductionThis document aims to provide a brief http://www.easysoft.com/developer/interfaces/odbc/diagnostics_error_status_codes.html introduction to ODBC diagnostics and status return codes.We begin with an explanation of https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSGU8G_11.70.0/com.ibm.odbc.doc/ids_odbc_236.htm how ODBC Status return codes are formed, the meaning that this form has and then move onto how diagnostic information is retrieved and dealt with.Finally, there are links to some, rather long, pages that list all the ODBC status codes and the ODBC API functions that can return them, complete with brief sqlprepare example descriptions. ODBC Status ReturnsSQLGetDiagRec or SQLGetDiagField returns SQLSTATE values as defined by X/Open Data Management: Structured Query Language (SQL), Version 2 (March 1995). SQLSTATE values are strings that contain five characters. Appendixes A & B tables lists SQLSTATE values that a driver can return for SQLGetDiagRec.The character string value returned for an SQLSTATE consists of a two-character class value followed by a three-character subclass error returned from value. A class value of "01" indicates a warning and is accompanied by a return code of SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO. Class values other than "01," except for the class "IM," indicate an error and are accompanied by a return value of SQL_ERROR. The class "IM" is specific to warnings and errors that derive from the implementation of ODBC itself. The subclass value "000" in any class indicates that there is no subclass for that SQLSTATE. The assignment of class and subclass values is defined by SQL-92. Note:Although successful execution of a function is normally indicated by a return value of SQL_SUCCESS, the SQLSTATE 00000 also indicates success.All ODBC API's return a status value which may be used to check whether the function succeeded or not. In C you can test the return value from an ODBC function using the macro SQL_SUCCEEDEDe.g. SQLRETURN fsts; /* Assume for this example the environment has already been allocated */ SQLHENV envh; SQLHDBC dbch; fsts = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, envh, &dbch); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(fsts)) { /* an error occurred allocating the database handle */ } else { /* Database handle allocated OK */ } The macro SQL_SUCCEEDED is defined as: #define SQL_SUCCEEDED(rc


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