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Array Index Error Vista

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View Reports Mapping & Navigation About Sources Process Documents FAQs Community Use & Citations SwA On-Ramp Discussion List Discussion Archives Contact Us Scoring https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/129.html Prioritization CWSS CWRAF CWE/SANS Top 25 Compatibility Requirements Coverage ClaimsRepresentation Compatible Products Make a Declaration News Calendar Free Newsletter Search the Site CWE Glossary Definition Presentation Filter: --None-- Basic http://www.solvusoft.com/en/errors/runtime-errors/microsoft-corporation/windows-operating-system/error-341-invalid-control-array-index/ Summary High Level Acquisition Development Manager Development Education Vulnerability Research Mapping-Friendly CWE-129: Improper Validation of Array Index  Improper Validation of Array Index Weakness ID: 129 (Weakness Base)Status: Draft Description array index Description SummaryThe product uses untrusted input when calculating or using an array index, but the product does not validate or incorrectly validates the index to ensure the index references a valid position within the array. Alternate Terms out-of-bounds array index index-out-of-range array index underflow Time of Introduction Implementation Applicable Platforms Languages C: (Often) C++: (Often) Language-independent Common ConsequencesScopeEffect array index error IntegrityAvailabilityTechnical Impact: DoS: crash / exit / restartUse of an index that is outside the bounds of an array will very likely result in the corruption of relevant memory and perhaps instructions, leading to a crash, if the values are outside of the valid memory area. IntegrityTechnical Impact: Modify memoryIf the memory corrupted is data, rather than instructions, the system will continue to function with improper values. ConfidentialityIntegrityTechnical Impact: Modify memory; Read memoryUse of an index that is outside the bounds of an array can also trigger out-of-bounds read or write operations, or operations on the wrong objects; i.e., "buffer overflows" are not always the result. This may result in the exposure or modification of sensitive data. IntegrityConfidentialityAvailabilityTechnical Impact: Execute unauthorized code or commandsIf the memory accessible by the attacker can be effectively controlled, it may be possible to execute arbitrary code, as with a standard buffer overflow and possibly without the use of large inputs if a precise index can be controlled. IntegrityAvailabilityConfidentialityTechnical Impact: DoS: crash / exit / restart; Execute unauthorized

DriverDoc WinSweeper SupersonicPC FileViewPro About Support Contact Errors Troubleshooting › Runtime Errors › Microsoft Corporation › Windows Operating System › Error 341 How To Fix Runtime Error 341 Error Number: Runtime Error 341 Error Name:Invalid control array index Error Description: You used an invalid index value to refer to an element in a control array. Developer:Microsoft Corporation Software:Windows Operating System Applies to:Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 Download NowWinThruster 2015 - Scan your PC for computer errors. Compatible with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP and 2000 Symptoms of Runtime Error 341 "Error 341" appears and crashes the active program window. Your PC frequently crashes with Error 341 when running the same program. “Invalid control array index” is displayed. “You used an invalid index value to refer to an element in a control array.” is displayed. Windows runs sluggishly and responds slowly to mouse or keyboard input. Your computer periodically “freezes” for a few seconds at a time. These 341 error messages can appear during program installation, while a Microsoft Corporation-related software program (eg. Windows Operating System) is running, during Windows startup or shutdown, or even during the installation of the Windows operating system. Keeping track of when and where your 341 error occurs is a critical piece of information in troubleshooting the problem. Causes of Runtime Error 341 Corrupt download or incomplete installation of Windows Operating System software. Corruption in Windows registry from a recent Windows Operating System-related software change (install or uninstall). Virus or malware infection that has corrupted Windows system files or Windows Operating System-related program files. Another program maliciously or mistakenly deleted Windows Operating System-related files. Runtime Errors such as “Error 341” can be caused by a variety of factors, so it is important that you troubleshoot each of the possible causes to prevent it from recurring. Runtime Errors Knowledgebase Article ID: 120767 Article Author: Jay Geater Last Updated: 19-07-2016 Popularity: star rating here Download NowError Fix Learn More Tweet Recommendation: Scan your PC for computer errors. How To Fix Runtime Error 341 Below is a list of troubleshooting steps to reso


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