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Mysql Script Error Continue


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Learn more about Stack Overflow the company Business Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with sql continue on error us Unix & Linux Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered Ask Question _ Unix & Linux Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of Linux, FreeBSD you can disable the stop on errors in batch mode option to ignore such errors and other Un*x-like operating systems. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top how to ignore a MySql error and go on to the next query? up vote 0 down vote favorite I have

Heidisql Disable Stop On Errors In Batch Mode

created a shell script to connect to a DateBase and INSERT IPs and MACs from dhcpd.log file by connecting to the DB only once: #/!bin/bash dhcpLogFile="/var/log/dhcpd.log" NumberOfLines=$(awk '/DHCPACK/ { print $8} ' $dhcpLogFile | awk '!x[$0]++'|awk 'BEGIN{i=0}{i++;}END{print i}') j=1 while [ $NumberOfLines -gt 0 ] do ip=$(awk '/DHCPACK/ { print $8} ' $dhcpLogFile | awk '!x[$0]++' |cut -f$j -d$'\n') mac=$(awk '/DHCPACK/ { print $10} ' $dhcpLogFile | awk '!x[$0]++' |cut -f$j -d$'\n') let "j +=1" let "NumberOfLines -=1" INSERT INTO IP_MACTable (IP_Address, MAC) VALUES ('$ip','$mac'); done | mysql -u root --password='pw' MatchingDB In MySql I have set "IP,MAC" attributes as a unique so "ip,mac" field won't be duplicated, so when It duplicated in the log of dhcp.log the DB reply with a message ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 1: Duplicate entry '' for key 'IP_Address' my question is : As I connect to the DB only once , sql will interpret multiple queries in one connection, but the problem is when an error occured it won't complete interpreting other qu

Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site About Us Learn more about Stack Overflow the company Business mysql insert ignore errors Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us Server Fault Questions Tags Users mysql skip errors Badges Unanswered Ask Question _ Server Fault is a question and answer site for system and network administrators. Join them; it only takes

Mysql Force Import

a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top MySQL continue after Duplicate entry error up vote 1 down vote http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/131026/how-to-ignore-a-mysql-error-and-go-on-to-the-next-query favorite I'm running a 'bash for' script to update some records in mysql, like so: for i in `cat yahoo.txt`; do mysql $DB --batch -fe "update users set email=concat(left(email, instr(email, '@')), 'yahoo.com') where email like '%@$i';" ; done but even with --force, the update stops after the first error: ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 1: Duplicate entry 'example@yahoo.com' for key 3 Is there anyway I can force it to continue? mysql share|improve this question edited Aug http://serverfault.com/questions/410993/mysql-continue-after-duplicate-entry-error 21 '12 at 16:29 voretaq7♦ 68.8k1397179 asked Jul 25 '12 at 9:27 w00t 5171927 What leads you to believe it isn't continuing? That script should do fine, unless your shell has been interestingly configured. –womble♦ Jul 25 '12 at 9:36 I do a select for the mistyped emails (before and after executing the script) and the numbers are the same. –w00t Jul 25 '12 at 10:00 add a comment| 1 Answer 1 active oldest votes up vote 2 down vote accepted try changing update to update ignore http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/update.html : With the IGNORE keyword, the update statement does not abort even if errors occur during the update. Rows for which duplicate-key conflicts occur are not updated. Rows for which columns are updated to values that would cause data conversion errors are updated to the closest valid values instead. share|improve this answer answered Jul 25 '12 at 9:45 pQd 23.1k24482 thank you! didn't had a clue that option existed. –w00t Jul 25 '12 at 9:58 there's also insert ignore - skips the inserts for the cases where item with identical value [for primary key, unique indices] already exists. –pQd Jul 25 '12 at 12:03 add a comment| Your Answer draft saved draft discarded Sign up or log in Sign up using Google Sign up using Facebook Sign up usi

When running a MySQL script within DG, it continues to execute after errors are reported. How can I get it to stop execution after https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/206432089-SQL-Script-Stop-Execution-on-First-Error the first error is encountered?   I am running DG 1.0.2 on Windows 7. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Date Votes 4 comments 0 Andrey Dernov February 08, 2016 15:14 Hello Michael, https://bash.cyberciti.biz/guide/Continue_statement There is File | Settings | Database | General -> Execute in Console settings exist, where you can choose execution policy when running the script. Also if there is a error executing on error the script there should be a error toolbar, where you can choose the action to Retry Ignore or Stop execution: Doesn't it work for you? Permalink 0 Michael Sheaver February 08, 2016 18:52 Nope, no luck there. Here is what I see in that settings pane: There is nothing in there pertaining to stopping on error. As you can see stop on errors in this screenshot: I put in a deliberate error, and it did flag it in the editor pane, but it kept on going and executed the rest of the script. Also, I do not get that red panel like you show in your screenshot. Hope this helps show what I get.     Permalink 0 Andrey Dernov February 09, 2016 09:44 Thank you for the screenshot. Looks like you are executing the script via Run 


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