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Read Error At 0/1/7 Lba=69


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Hard Drive Lba

hard drive (a samsung product). I couldn't boot into Windows, so I tested the hard drive using Samsung's Utility available at: http://support-us.samsung.com/cyber/popup/iframe/pop_troubleshooting_fr.jsp?idx=51176&modelname=HD250HJ1 On running the scan, I see that the disc has LBA errors. What exactly is an LBA error? any way to salvage the data, or the Hard drive? hard-drive share|improve this question edited Sep 22 '15 at 15:10 bertieb 2,55851226 asked Jul 21 '10 at 17:15 Devdatta Tengshe 82081327 add a comment| 2 Answers 2 active oldest getdataback votes up vote 9 down vote accepted the Hard drive check utility had suggested that I format the Hard drive. Does that mean that I can safely use the disk after a low level format & it won't have any issues? If you provided more information both about the model of drive you are using as well as about the errors the Samsung utility reported you might get better answers. Without knowing the details of your situation all we can really do is speculate. Well, that, and perhaps wave our hands wildly in the air for emphasis. LBA is an acronym for Logical Block Addressing. In this case I assume it is just another, possibly more technically accurate way of referring to a "bad sector". Unless your hard drive is very old, the file system of your OS probably didn't even know anything had happened. For a while now the firmware in hard drives has been transparently handling sector write errors by remapping the sector to another location on the drive. If you were able to copy all the data on this drive and no errors were reported it seems quite possible that the offending sector was not even being used (yet) by your file system. The bad sector may have only been discovered because the Samsung diagnostic tool you used performed a complete scan of all sectors on the drive. The first thing to do

my first how to. I have been up for 36 hours trying various methods to recover my lost crystaldiskinfo data! Given that i'm not the most confident Linux user and I

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managed to succeed. I though it was necessary to share my experience. I was making the transition from


windows xp to Ubuntu Edgy. Somewhere along the line I hurt my NTFS data partition. I have all my music, videos, thunderbird profile, everything on this one drive! I was http://superuser.com/questions/166177/hard-drive-lba-error-how-to-proceed unable to mount it or use ntfsfix or even chkdsk from the recovery console off the windows xp install CD. I was not paying the best of attention when I broke it but I believe I accidentally installed grub to /dev/hda instead of /dev/sda! Maybe? After trying ddrescue and failing. I came across TestDisk (http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk). I decided to give https://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-387922.html it a go: sudo apt-get testdisk Don't ask me which repo it is on. It wasn't working very well. It kept exiting. The version on the repositories is not the current version. However there was a rpm on the main website. I thought I would try alien out for the first time. Steps: sudo apt-get install alien wget http://www.cgsecurity.org/testdisk-6.6-1.i386.rpm sudo alien testdisk-6.6-1.i386.rpm sudo dpkg -i testdisk_6.6-2_i386.deb Ok we have TestDisk and PhotoRec installed. Change to the folder of where you want to recover your files to. cd /media/data/recover sudo testdisk The following steps may not replicate your needs. There are some examples of how to use TestDisk here (http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/Data_Recovery_Examples) Choose create log file Select which device to use for me it was /dev/hda Select INTEL/PC Partition Choose 'Analyze' then 'Proceed' then select 'Search'. TestDisk should now scan your device for partitions (If it hasn't already discovered them). This may take a little while. About 5 minutes on my 80 GB hard drive. TestDisk should now list a series of partitions. I think it is listing past parti

Gaming Smartphones Tablets Windows 8 PSUs Android Your question Get the answer Tom's Hardware>Forum>Storage>Recover files with testdisk> Recover files with testdisk Tags: Windows Western Digital Data Recovery Storage Linux Last response: 30 October 2013 22:42 in Storage Share cuteboyucsc 29 October 2013 17:19:21 http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-1859663/recover-files-testdisk.html Hi! i have a broken WD disk which couldn't be mounted in linux neither on windows. So i have booted with a linux live cd and trying to recover some files from the disk and if possible https://www.computerbase.de/forum/showthread.php?t=370328 fix the broken hdd to make it bootabe. btw, i 'm a first time user of test disk. I 'm in the middle of deep search and currently i 'm in the following stage, TestDisk 6.14-WIP, Data Recovery read error Utility, May 2012 Christophe GRENIER http://www.cgsecurity.org Disk /dev/sda - 250 GB / 232 GiB - CHS 30394 255 63 Analyse cylinder 2295/30393: 07% Read error at 2294/254/63 (lba=36869174) FAT16 >32M 0 1 1 10 254 63 176652 [DellUtility] FAT32 LBA 11 0 1 4188 254 63 67119570 [ Unlabeled] FAT32 LBA 11 0 1 4188 254 63 67119570 [ Unlabeled] HPFS - NTFS 11 23 13 1466 173 51 23384064 [RECOVERY] HPFS - NTFS 11 read error at 23 13 1466 173 51 23384064 [RECOVERY] It took nearly 4 hours to get to this. Do you think i could recover files and fix the hdd to be bootable while considering "Read error at 2294/254/63 (lba=36869174)" ? More about : recover files testdisk qazzi a b G Storage 30 October 2013 05:47:13 Yes you could but i would quickly copy the data and then try to fix the drive with no regret on what will happen to it. on the making the drive bootable i wouldn't try to use that drive anymore not until you ran a full diagnostic on it... m 0 l cuteboyucsc 30 October 2013 10:17:25 qazzi said:Yes you could but i would quickly copy the data and then try to fix the drive with no regret on what will happen to it. on the making the drive bootable i wouldn't try to use that drive anymore not until you ran a full diagnostic on it... Thanks for replying! But when i add the hdd as secondary it doesn't allow to boot the pc. So i couldn't find a way to backup files. Now i have the complete results of scan as follows, Disk /dev/sda - 250 GB / 232 GiB - CHS 30394 255 63 Partition Start End Size in sectors * FAT16 >32M 0 1 1 10 254

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A Disk Read Error Occurred Xp Boot table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Disk Read Error Occurred Hp a li li a href A Disk Read Error Occurred Press Ctrl alt del To Restart Windows a li li a href A Disk Read Error Occurred Windows a li ul td tr tbody table p The How-To Geek Forums Have Migrated to Discourse How-To Geek Forums Windows XP Disk read error occurred message - how do I fix this posts Started relatedl years ago by stander Latest reply from G M Topic

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A Disc Read Error Ocurred table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href A Disc Read Error Occurred Laptop a li li a href A Disc Read Error Occurred Vista a li li a href A Disk Read Error Occurred Press Ctrl Alt Del To Restart a li ul td tr tbody table p Fix for Windows XP Vista September Get the fix for the error A disk read error occurred on Windows XP Windows Vista and Windows relatedl Contents About A disk read error occurred Description and Symptoms Symptom a disc read

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A Disk Read Error Occurred Vista Acer table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Disk Read Error On Boot Up Windows a li li a href A Disk Read Error Occurred Windows a li li a href A Disk Read Error Occurred Press Ctrl alt del To Restart Windows a li ul td tr tbody table p Shepaka SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe Loading Loading Working Add to Want to watch this again later Sign in to add this video to a playlist Sign in Share More Report Need to report the relatedl video Sign in

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A Disk Read Error Occurred Dell Inspiron table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Dell A Disk Read Error Occurred Press Ctrl alt del To Restart a li li a href My Dell Laptop Says A Disk Read Error Occurred a li li a href Toshiba Disk Read Error Occurred a li li a href A Disk Read Error Occurred Windows Fix a li ul td tr tbody table p error occurred Shepaka SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe Loading Loading Working Add to Want to watch this again later Sign in to add this video to

a hard disk read error

A Hard Disk Read Error table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href A Disk Read Error Occurred Fix a li li a href A Disk Read Error Occurred Windows a li ul td tr tbody table p The How-To Geek Forums Have Migrated to Discourse How-To Geek Forums Windows XP Disk read error occurred message - how do I relatedl fix this posts Started years ago by stander Latest hard drive read error reply from G M Topic Viewed times Next raquo stander Posts hard disk read error press ctrl alt del

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A Read Disc Error table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Disc Read Error Windows Xp a li li a href Disk Read Error a li ul td tr tbody table p The How-To Geek Forums Have Migrated to Discourse How-To Geek Forums Windows XP Disk read error occurred message - how do I fix this relatedl posts Started years ago by stander Latest reply from G M disc read error ps Topic Viewed times Next raquo stander Posts This post has been disc read error xbox reported Hi When I try

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Acer Aspire Disk Read Error table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Acer Laptop A Disk Read Error Occurred a li li a href Dell Disk Read Error a li li a href Toshiba Disk Read Error a li li a href A Disk Read Error Occurred Windows Fix a li ul td tr tbody table p The How-To Geek Forums Have Migrated to Discourse How-To Geek Forums Windows XP Disk read error occurred message - how do I fix relatedl this posts Started years ago by stander Latest reply p h

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Acer Computer Disk Read Error Occurred table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href A Disk Read Error Occurred Windows a li li a href A Disk Read Error Occurred Laptop a li li a href A Disk Read Error Occurred Xp a li ul td tr tbody table p error occurred Shepaka SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe Loading Loading Working Add to Want to watch this again later Sign relatedl in to add this video to a a disc read error occurred press ctrl alt del to restart playlist Sign in Share More Report Need to

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Acer Disk Read Error Ctrl Alt Del table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Acer Travelmate Disk Read Error a li li a href Asus Disk Read Error a li li a href Dell Disk Read Error a li li a href A Disc Read Error Occurred Press Ctrl alt del To Restart a li ul td tr tbody table p Tags Disk Read Error Acer Disk Error Last response April AM in Laptop Tech Support Share marqrpa April PM so my acer was working just fine until I got it backfrom

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Bios Disc Read Error table id toc tbody tr td div id toctitle Contents div ul li a href Bios Hard Disk Error a li li a href A Disk Read Error Occurred Windows a li li a href A Disk Read Error Occurred Windows a li ul td tr tbody table p The How-To Geek Forums Have Migrated to Discourse How-To Geek Forums relatedl Windows XP Disk read error occurred message - how do a disk read error occurred bios I fix this posts Started years ago by stander Latest p h id Bios Hard Disk Error p reply

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