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Error Xml2-config Not Found. Please Check Your Libxml2 Installation


here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site About Us configure error xml2-config not found. please check your libxml2 installation Learn more about Stack Overflow the company Business Learn more about hiring developers php configure error xml2-config not found. please check your libxml2 installation or posting ads with us Stack Overflow Questions Jobs Documentation Tags Users Badges Ask Question x Dismiss Join the Stack libxml2 devel Overflow Community Stack Overflow is a community of 4.7 million programmers, just like you, helping each other. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up How to fix error with xml2-config not configure: error: please reinstall the bzip2 distribution found when installing PHP from sources? up vote 92 down vote favorite 6 When I try to install php 5.3 stable from source on Ubuntu (downloading compressed installation file from http://www.php.net/downloads.php) and I run ./configure I get this error: configure: error: xml2-config not found. Please check your libxml2 installation. php compilation php-5.3 share|improve this question edited Nov 12 '14 at 14:29 kenorb 21.7k8152126 asked Nov 11 '13

Configure: Error: Please Reinstall The Libcurl Distribution -

at 10:30 TroodoN-Mike 5,69863556 Related: How to fix PHP installation when xml2-config is missing? –kenorb Nov 12 '14 at 14:30 add a comment| 2 Answers 2 active oldest votes up vote 205 down vote accepted All you need to do instal install package libxml2-dev for example: sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev On CentOS/RHEL: sudo yum install libxml2-devel share|improve this answer edited Nov 20 '14 at 17:42 radtek 6,3143652 answered Nov 11 '13 at 10:30 TroodoN-Mike 5,69863556 5 I'm using centos 6.4, for me the package was called libxml2-devel –msknapp May 17 '14 at 19:27 4 for the error in centos 7 run: sudo yum install libxml2-devel –TroodoN-Mike Aug 13 '14 at 10:43 2 Does anyone know why the dev version is required over the standard libxml2 package? –JLewkovich Aug 27 '15 at 14:42 1 @JLewkovich I'd assume it's because the dev version contains the source code or something. As far as I can tell, if you compile something from source you must also have the source code for all it's dependencies. –starbeamrainbowlabs Oct 10 '15 at 10:56 2 This answer still applies to PHP7 for any PHP7 experimenters coming here –samrap Oct 11

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Configure: Error: Jpeglib.h Not Found.

developers or posting ads with us Server Fault Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered Ask Question _ what is xml2-config Server Fault is a question and answer site for system and network administrators. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how checking for bzip2 in default path... not found it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top configure: error: xml2-config not found. Please check your libxml2 installation up vote -1 down vote favorite I am trying http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19904083/how-to-fix-error-with-xml2-config-not-found-when-installing-php-from-sources to install php5 to my fedora 14. But when I ./configure the error shows configure: error: xml2-config not found. Please check your libxml2 installation.. I installed libxml2 and when I run yum install libxml2 it says Package libxml2-2.7.7-3.fc14.i686 already installed and latest version Nothing to do . What is happening php fedora share|improve this question asked Dec 24 '12 at 8:43 Nitish 992 add a comment| 1 Answer 1 active oldest votes up vote 0 down vote You should install devel http://serverfault.com/questions/460592/configure-error-xml2-config-not-found-please-check-your-libxml2-installation package. share|improve this answer answered Dec 24 '12 at 8:44 dr-evil 1975 I also run yum install libxml2-dev and it says No package libxml2-dev available. Error: Nothing to do !! –Nitish Dec 24 '12 at 8:46 Can you post the output of yum search libxml2 ? Does yum install libxml2-devel works better? –user130370 Dec 24 '12 at 8:50 1 It's libxml2-devel. Also if you are unsure about a name again search for it: yum search libxml2 –faker Dec 24 '12 at 8:50 Thanks faker. It was libxml2-devel. –Nitish Dec 24 '12 at 8:59 add a comment| Your Answer draft saved draft discarded Sign up or log in Sign up using Google Sign up using Facebook Sign up using Email and Password Post as a guest Name Email Post as a guest Name Email discard By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged php fedora or ask your own question. asked 3 years ago viewed 1975 times active 3 years ago Related 1How can I install PHP5 on Fedora Core 5?2make errors when compiling PHP 5.2.6 from source (Fedora 12)1Error at the end of APC install0Error while installing ltsp server package in fedora 120Upgrade PHP version on Fedora 81yum install 404 error0How to use the correct PHP version? phpinfo says another version0Why do I get &ldqu

php installation from 5.1.6 to 5.2.4 or later version. Unfortunately, through yum, i couldn't upgrade php! So the other option left was to install from source. https://techglimpse.com/php-configure-error-libxml2-installation/ Downloaded the latest stable version of php ie, 5.5.7 and started to https://www.question-defense.com/2010/08/18/litespeed-php-configure-error-xml2-config-not-found-please-check-your-libxml2-installation compile. To my unluck, i ran into following errors: configure: error: xml2-config not found. Please check your libxml2 installation. The quick solution to the above problem is you need to install libxml2-devel package. Easy way of installing it is using yum by issuing the following command on your CentOS/Fedora/RHEL not found Linux distributions. [root@catest php-5.5.7]# yum install libxml2-devel Libxml2-devel installation on Linux On Debian/Ubuntu you can install using apt-get as shown in the below command: # apt-get install libxml2-dev Related Posts: [Linux] : How to configure yum to use CentOS repository in RHEL machine How to install mod_pagespeed module for Apache in RHEL, CentOS and Fedora using YUM [Linux]: How to setup LogWatch on CentOs/RHEL/Fedora error xml2-config not to monitor System Logs An Ultimate Guide to Upgrade Kernel on CentOS/RHEL/Fedora [Linux]: 15 most frequently used YUM Commands with examples Topics : How to Linux Web Server FAQ Get Free Email Updates Disclaimer: The content published in this article is the views of the author only. Techglimpse does not gurantee accuracy, completness or validity. If you believe the content on this post violates your copyright, please send us a mail for removal. Read more. How To + Apps WordPress Linux OpenStack WordPress Demos Ebooks Tweetshort Advertise Menu Gadgets Apps Linux WordPress Demos How To About Techglimpse Techglimpse.com is one of the fastest growing technology news site covering social media, latest tech gadgets, How-to articles and videos. Founded in 2008, Techglimpse is run by Digisparks Infotech. We provide you with hot technology information, tools, and suggestions that help you to know the ever growing techy world better and better. Copyright ©2009-2015 Techglimpse.com, All rights reserved. Developed and Maintained by DigisparksInfotech About Us Contact Us Advertise Reviews Terms & Privacy Subscribe Facebook Twitter Youtube RSS Stumble Upon Google+ Share Tweet Share Pin Stumble

Your libxml2 Installation Litespeed PHP: configure: error: xml2-config Not Found. Please Check Your libxml2 Installation alex August 18, 2010 Errors 2 Comments Tweet While compiling PHP on a Litespeed web server this evening I ran into multiple issues one of which related to the libxml2 package on the server. This can be confusing because on the server libxml2 was installed. Below is more information regarding the error located in the Litespeed Admin detailed log report which can be easily seen while compiling PHP from the web interface as well as information on what needs to be installed to resolve the error. Error Compiling PHP Via Litespeed Web Admin: Below are details from the Detailed Log located on the "Compile PHP with LSAPI" page in the Litespeed administration console page. The Detailed Log can be viewed in real time at the bottom of the page and the error in question will cause the installation to error out with the last couple of visible lines being similar to the below. text checking libxml2 install dir... no checking for xml2-config path... configure: error: xml2-config not found. Please check your libxml2 installation. **ERROR** Could not configure PHP build Litespeed Compile PHP libxml2 Error: You can resolve this error by installing the libxml2-devel package using yum as shown in the below example out. Install libxml2-devel Using Yum: bash [root@dev ~]# yum install libxml2-devel Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * addons: mirrors.usc.edu * base: mirrors.bluehost.com * extras: mirrors.versaweb.com * updates: centos-distro.cavecreek.net Setting up Install Process Resolving Dependencies --> Running transaction check ---> Package libxml2-devel.i386 0:2.6.26- set to be updated --> Processing Dependency: zlib-devel for package: libxml2-devel --> Running transaction check ---> Package zlib-devel.i386 0:1.2.3-3 set to be updated --> Finished Dependency Resolution Dependencies Resolved ===============================================================================


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404 not found error was encountered while trying to

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404 not found oracle jsp an error occurred

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404 file not found error page

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404 file not found error in

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404 not found error was encountered while trying

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404 error when aspx file does exist

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404 page not found error solution

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800a0035 vbscript error

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a 404 not found error was encountered

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a 404 not found error was

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a 404 not found error was encountered while trying

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a 404 not found error

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a 404 not found error was encountered while trying to

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access error site or page not found

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additionally a 404 not found error was encountered while

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address not found error

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additionally a 404 not found error was encountered

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additionally a 404 not found error was encountered while trying

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an error 404 not found

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