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Friendly Error Message In Ie


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Show Friendly Http Error Messages Iis

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500 - Internal Server Error.

helping each other. Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up How do I suppress “friendly error messages” in Internet Explorer? up vote 19 down vote favorite 5 I want to display a custom error page: 400 Bad Request

400 Bad Request

The grob must be in the frobber. Unfortunately, Internet Explorer ignores the response sent by the HTTP server; hiding my page and showing their own: How can I convince Internet Explorer to show the page the user was sent? internet-explorer share|improve this question edited Aug 13 '13 at 17:26 TRiG 5,47623170 asked Jul 18 '12 at 14:44 Ian Boyd 85.4k150529858 add a comment| 1 Answer 1 active oldest votes up vote 28 down vote accepted The solution is PADDING. Microsoft notes in knowledge base article KB294807: HOW TO: Turn Off the Internet Explorer 5.x and 6.x "Show Friendly HTTP Error Messages" Feature on the Server Side ...these "friendly" error messages are only displayed if the response that is sent to the client is less than or equal to a specified threshold. For example, to see the exact text of an HTTP 500 response, the content length must be greater than 512 bytes. Implement this padding. To do this, use the VBScript String function to return a string of the same character, which is one more than the ErrorThreshold that Internet Explorer 5.x uses to display the friendly error message. For example, add the following line immediately before the tag of 500-100.asp: <% Response.Write String(513, "_") %> Make it bigger So i bulk up response page to: 400 Bad Request

400 Bad Request

The grob must be in the frobber.