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Php Pop Up Window Error


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How To Display Popup Message In Php

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Create Popup Window Using Php

Sign up Popup window in PHP? [closed] up vote 0 down vote favorite here's a quick question: How do you make a window pop up for your error handling in php? Is javascript the only way to do this or is there a way to do this in PHP? i have a PHP-file, and one of the lines of code is the

Php Alert Message Example

following: echo implode('
', $errors); This line of code catches all the errors coming from my form, as following: if (strlen($_POST['name'])<3) $errors[] = 'De naam van uw bedrijf moet minstens 3 letters bevatten'; if (strlen($_POST['number'])<9) $errors[] = 'Uw nummer moet minstens 9 nummers bevatten'; if (!preg_match($regexp_mail, $_POST['email'])) $errors[] = 'Onjuist E-mailadres'; when somebody presses submit on my form, the errors will show themselves on a separate page, i want this in a pop-up window. Thank you in advance php popupwindow share|improve this question edited Mar 27 '13 at 13:19 asked Mar 27 '13 at 13:04 CodeSigns 141210 closed as not a real question by John Conde, NikiC, RolandoMySQLDBA, Ramshad, Mariusz Jamro Mar 27 '13 at 17:46 It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question. What would happen if i'm

is moved to the correct category. Anyway. I am pretty new with web design, how to show message box in php and I am currently learning about the subject on high school. We

Pop Up Error Message Html

work on software that is a bit outdated (Adobe CS3), but I still like doing it. As for javascript popup error message web design, we use WAMP server, Dreamweaver CS3, MySQL Query Browser and PHP. I do, however, know little to nothing about coding in PHP, I just kind of know what http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15659522/popup-window-in-php it's for. I know how to make a functioning web page, how to create databases and connect them to the web page, and how to show these databases through a dynamic web page, but little else. So the thing I am trying to do now is that after using an "Record Insertion Form Wizard" in Dreamweaver CS3 (to which I've https://www.sitepoint.com/community/t/how-to-make-an-error-popup-message-after-submitting-a-form/15193 already made a database, a query and so on), I want two different popup messages to come after clicking "submit form", both one confirming that the entire process was successful, and one saying that the user entered invalid information. I already know how to do the former, by going under Tag , behaviors, clicking the plus-sign, clicking popup message and then just writing the message and hitting "OK". But how do I make a seperate one for if the submission failed? And is it possible if this box automatically tells the user exactly what went wrong? boatmark 2012-04-27 01:50:40 UTC #2 hmm, I think you should use javascript. attach onsubmit event, then do evaluation of the form content something like that: Untitled Document


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